New features of SCCS-5.03b:

The upcoming SCCS-6.0 will introduce a new SCCS history file format that
intentionally causes historic SCCS implementations to abort (to prevent file
corruption) but that can be easily converted back into a SCCS-5.x compliant 
history file using a conversion program. This conversion will not cause a loss
of information as the new information will be encoded as special comment that
is accepted by all other SCCS implementations except for currently GNU "CSSC". 

See the file TODO_V6 for more information.

Please join the discussion mainling list for the development of enhancements on:

New features included with SCCS-5.03:

-	SCCS admin -z no longer assumes that the length of the SCCS
	magic/checksum line is always 8 chars including newline.

	This caused admin -z to destroy the first seven chars of the
	first delta entry in case of a SCCS v6 history file.

SCCS now has been tested to compile and work on the following platforms:

-	SunOS-4.x

-	SunOS-5.x (Solaris 2.x, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11)

-	FreeBSD


-	Linux

-	Mac OS X




-	Cygwin

The portability now reached a state that should allow SCCS to compile 
and run on other platforms too. SCCS compiles and has been verified
on all major platforms.