From Sat Jul  2 13:29:25 PDT 1994
Article: 10549 of comp.os.linux.admin
Path: well!!!!!sun4nl!hacktic!not-for-mail
From: (bjdouma)
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.admin
Subject: Re: NFS mountD & RPC bugs?
Date: 2 Jul 1994 15:11:28 +0200
Organization: Hack-Tic, Networking for the masses
Lines: 312
Message-ID: <>
References: <2uk8t8$> <2umu86$> <> <>
Keywords: logging, nfs, mount, rpc

In article <>,
Craig Sanders <> wrote:
>Speaking of procps, is there a later version than 0.95?  /usr/bin/w no
>longer reports anything in the 'what' field...hasn't done so since
>approximately version 1.1.14 of the kernel.

[Here's a repost of my procps-0.95 patch. I submitted it to Michael
Johnson, but he must still be very busy, so no need to bother him. 
We'll see what he does with this, in the meantime, it works for me].

Here's a quick and unofficial patch against the procps-0.95 package
(which as far as I know is still the latest version; I believe
Michael Johnson has been pretty much tied up recently) to correctly
show the TTY field for ps and the WHAT field for w.  This is for
kernels with the new TTY drivers, if memory serves starting with

I also changed ps to show "?" where there is no controlling terminal
-instead of "con"-, like does, and modified its behaviour
when invoked as root to show only root's processes (you'll have to
specify the -a flag if you want 'em all), also like kmem ps does.

Finally, there's a slight speedup in the reading of the process
table (in snap.c).

*** devname.c.orig	Sat Jan 29 18:54:22 1994
--- devname.c	Sun Jun 12 13:34:42 1994
*** 36,59 ****
  static char *ttsub = "0123456789abcdef";
! void dev_to_tty(char *tty, int dev)
! {
!   if (dev == -1)
!     strcpy(tty," ? ");
!   else if (dev == 0)
!     strcpy(tty,"con");
!   else if (dev < 64) {
!     sprintf(tty, "v%02d", dev);
!   } else {
!     if (dev < 128) {
!       sprintf(tty, "s%02d", (dev - 64));
!     } else {
!       tty[0] = 'p';
!       tty[1] = ttgrp[(dev >> 4) & 017];
!       tty[2] = ttsub[dev & 017];
!     }
!   }
!   tty[3] = 0;
! }
  int tty_to_dev(char *tty)
--- 36,62 ----
  static char *ttsub = "0123456789abcdef";
!  void dev_to_tty(char *tty, int dev)
!  {
! 	if (dev == 0)
! 		strcpy(tty," ? ");
! 	else 
! 	if (dev == 1024)
! 		strcpy(tty,"con");
! 	else 
! 	if (dev < 1024+64) 
! 		sprintf(tty, "v%02d", dev-1024);
! 	else 
! 	{
! 		if (dev < 1024+128) 
! 			sprintf(tty, "s%02d", (dev-64-1024));
! 		else 
! 		{
! 			tty[0] = 'p';
! 			tty[1] = ttgrp[((dev-1024) >> 4) & 017];
! 			tty[2] = ttsub[(dev-1024) & 017];
! 		}
! 	}
! 	tty[3] = 0;
!  }
  int tty_to_dev(char *tty)
*** 69,97 ****
  	struct stat buf;
  	if (fstat(0, &buf) != -1)
! 	    return(buf.st_rdev & 0xff);
  	    return -1;
      if (tty[0] == 'v') {
          sscanf(&tty[1], "%d", &i);
! 	return(i);
      if (tty[0] == 's') {
          sscanf(&tty[1], "%d", &i);
! 	return(i+64);
      if (tty[0] == 'p') {
          p = strchr(ttgrp, tty[1]);
  	q = strchr(ttsub, tty[2]);
! 	return(((p - ttgrp) << 4) | (q - ttsub));
      if ((strcmp(tty, "con") == 0) || (strcmp(tty, "co") == 0))
! 	return(0);
      /* The rest are for compatibility with old releases */
      if (tty[1] == '\0' && *tty >= '0' && *tty <= '9')
! 	return(*tty - '0');
      if ((p = strchr(ttgrp, *tty)) != NULL &&
  	(q = strchr(ttsub, tty[1])) != NULL)
! 	return(((p - ttgrp) << 4) | (q - ttsub));
  	return -1;
--- 72,102 ----
  	struct stat buf;
  	if (fstat(0, &buf) != -1)
! 	    return(buf.st_rdev);
  	    return -1;
+     if (strcmp( tty, "?" )==0)
+ 	return( 0 );
      if (tty[0] == 'v') {
          sscanf(&tty[1], "%d", &i);
! 	return(1024+i);
      if (tty[0] == 's') {
          sscanf(&tty[1], "%d", &i);
! 	return(1024+i+64);
      if (tty[0] == 'p') {
          p = strchr(ttgrp, tty[1]);
  	q = strchr(ttsub, tty[2]);
! 	return(1024+((p - ttgrp) << 4) | (q - ttsub));
      if ((strcmp(tty, "con") == 0) || (strcmp(tty, "co") == 0))
! 	return(1024);
      /* The rest are for compatibility with old releases */
      if (tty[1] == '\0' && *tty >= '0' && *tty <= '9')
! 	return(1024+*tty - '0');
      if ((p = strchr(ttgrp, *tty)) != NULL &&
  	(q = strchr(ttsub, tty[1])) != NULL)
! 	return(1024+((p - ttgrp) << 4) | (q - ttsub));
  	return -1;
*** 109,113 ****
      if (S_ISCHR(sb.st_mode))
!         dev_to_tty(ftname, MINOR(sb.st_rdev));
--- 114,118 ----
      if (S_ISCHR(sb.st_mode))
!         dev_to_tty(ftname, sb.st_rdev);
*** ps.c.orig	Sun Apr 10 12:46:12 1994
--- ps.c	Mon Jun 13 22:08:19 1994
*** 271,283 ****
      struct ps_proc_head *ph;
      struct ps_proc *this, **arr_ver;
!     int tty = 0, uid, i;
      uid = getuid();
      if (CL_ctty)
!       tty = tty_to_dev(CL_ctty);
      if (CL_pid == -1)
!       ph = take_snapshot((CL_all | (uid==0)), CL_fmt==PS_U, CL_no_ctty,
  			   CL_fmt==PS_M, CL_run_only, uid, tty);
--- 271,286 ----
      struct ps_proc_head *ph;
      struct ps_proc *this, **arr_ver;
!     int tty = -1, uid, i;
      uid = getuid();
      if (CL_ctty)
!       if ((tty = tty_to_dev(CL_ctty))==-1) {
!           fprintf(stderr, "the name `%s' is not a tty\n", CL_ctty);
!           exit(1);
!       }
      if (CL_pid == -1)
!       ph = take_snapshot(CL_all, CL_fmt==PS_U, CL_no_ctty,
  			   CL_fmt==PS_M, CL_run_only, uid, tty);
*** snap.c.orig	Sat Jan 29 18:54:24 1994
--- snap.c	Tue Jun 14 15:54:31 1994
*** 8,12 ****
  #include <stdlib.h>
  #include <sys/dir.h>
- #include <regex.h>
  #include <sys/stat.h>
  #include <sys/types.h>
--- 8,11 ----
*** 52,56 ****
    proc = opendir("/proc");
-   re_comp("^[0-9]*$");
    ph = (struct ps_proc_head *) xcalloc(ph, sizeof(struct ps_proc_head));
--- 51,54 ----
*** 60,67 ****
    while(ent = readdir(proc)) {
!     if(!re_exec(ent->d_name)) continue;
      sprintf(filename, "/proc/%s", ent->d_name);
      stat(filename, &sb);
!     if(!a && (sb.st_uid != uid)) continue;
      this->uid = sb.st_uid;
      mycpy(ent->d_name, this->cmdline, "cmdline", sizeof(this->cmdline), 1);
--- 58,73 ----
    while(ent = readdir(proc)) {
!     /*
!     * I'm assuming anything that starts with a digit is a
!     * valid process directory.  Since the kernel has absolute
!     * control over the /proc directory, this is a valid 
!     * assumption, I think.			- bjd
!     */
!     if (!(*ent->d_name>='0' && *ent->d_name<='9'))
!     	continue;
      sprintf(filename, "/proc/%s", ent->d_name);
      stat(filename, &sb);
!     if(!a && (sb.st_uid != uid) && ctty==-1) continue;
      this->uid = sb.st_uid;
      mycpy(ent->d_name, this->cmdline, "cmdline", sizeof(this->cmdline), 1);
*** 83,89 ****
  	   &this->signal, &this->blocked, &this->sigignore, &this->sigcatch,
!     if ((ctty && (ctty != this->tty))
  	|| (r && this->state != 'R' && this->state != 'D')
! 	|| (!x && (this->tty == -1))) {
        this->pid = 0;
--- 89,95 ----
  	   &this->signal, &this->blocked, &this->sigignore, &this->sigcatch,
!     if ((ctty!=-1 && (ctty != this->tty))
  	|| (r && this->state != 'R' && this->state != 'D')
! 	|| (!x && (this->tty == 0) && ctty < 0)) {
        this->pid = 0;
*** 116,120 ****
  		      one more readdir, and there will be a hanging entry... 
  		      But I make it conditional to be safe */
!     that->next = (struct ps_proc *) NULL;
      free (this);
    } else this->next = (struct ps_proc *) NULL;
--- 122,127 ----
  		      one more readdir, and there will be a hanging entry... 
  		      But I make it conditional to be safe */
!     if (that)
!        that->next = (struct ps_proc *) NULL;
      free (this);
    } else this->next = (struct ps_proc *) NULL;
*** top.c.orig	Sun Apr 10 13:10:13 1994
--- top.c	Sun Jun 12 13:34:35 1994
*** 153,157 ****
    /* first time through, just collect process stats */
!   ph = take_snapshot(1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0);
    elapsed_time = get_elapsed_time();
--- 153,157 ----
    /* first time through, just collect process stats */
!   ph = take_snapshot(1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, -1);
    elapsed_time = get_elapsed_time();
*** w.c.orig	Sat Jan 29 18:54:25 1994
--- w.c	Sun Jun 12 13:34:26 1994
*** 125,131 ****
  /* get running processes -- want all processes, we want the username as well
     as id, don't need processes without controlling
!    terminals, don't need memory stats, uid doesn't matter, and ctty is NULL
     so that it doesn't get considered. */
!   ph = take_snapshot(1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
  /* print uptime */
--- 125,131 ----
  /* get running processes -- want all processes, we want the username as well
     as id, don't need processes without controlling
!    terminals, don't need memory stats, uid doesn't matter, and ctty is -1
     so that it doesn't get considered. */
!   ph = take_snapshot(1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1);
  /* print uptime */