Andrea Dell'Amico, Mitchum DSouza, Erwin Embsen, Peter Eriksson
  v0.5,	24 January 1995

  1.  Glossary of Terms

  In this document a lot of acronyms are used. Here are	the most
  important acronyms and a brief explanation:

	DataBase Management, a library of functions which maintain key-
	content	pairs in a data	base.

	Dynamically Linked Library, a library linked to	an executable
	program	at run-time.

	A name "key" that is used by NIS clients to be able to locate a
	suitable NIS server that serves	that domainname	key. Please note
	that this does not necessarily have anything at	all to do with
	the DNS	"domain" (machine name)	of the machine(s).

	File Transfer Protocol,	a protocol used	to transfer files
	between	two computers.

	Name services library, a library of name service calls
	(getpwnam, getservbyname, etc...) on SVR4 Unixes.

	Socket services	library, a library for the socket service calls
	(socket, bind, listen, etc...) on SVR4 Unixes.

	Network	Information Service, a service that provides
	information, that has to be known throughout the network, to all
	machines on the	network. There is support for NIS in Linux's
	standard libc library, which in	the following text is referred
	to as "traditional NIS".

	Network	Information Service (Plus :-), essentially NIS on
	steroids. NIS+ is designed by Sun Microsystems Inc. as a
	replacement for	NIS with better	security and better handling of
	_large_	installations.

	This is	the name of a project and stands for NIS+, YP and Switch
	and is managed by Peter	Eriksson <>. It
	contains among other things a complete reimplementation	of the
	NIS (=YP) code that uses the Name Services Switch functionality
	of the NYS library.

	Remote Procedure Call. RPC routines allow C programs to	make
	procedure calls	on other machines across the network.  When
	people talk about RPC they most	often mean the SunRPC variant.

     YP	Yellow Pages(tm), a registered trademark in the	UK of British
	Telecom	plc.

	Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. It's a	data
	communication protocol often used on Unix machines.

  1.1.	Some General Information

  The next three lines are quoted from the Sun(tm) System & Network
  Administration Manual:

	   "NIS	was formerly known as Sun Yellow Pages (YP) but
	    the	name Yellow Pages(tm) is a registered trademark
	    in the United Kingdom of British Telecom plc and may
	    not	be used	without	permission."

  NIS stands for Network Information Service. It's purpose is to provide
  information, that has	to be known throughout the network, to all
  machines on the network. Information likely to be distributed	by NIS

  o  login names/passwords/home	directories (/etc/passwd)

  o  group information (/etc/group)

  So, for example, if your password entry is recorded in the NIS passwd
  database, you	will be	able to	login on all machines on the net which
  have the NIS client programs running.

  Sun is a trademark of	Sun Microsystems, Inc. licensed	to SunSoft, Inc.

  2.  Introduction

  More and more, Linux machines	are installed as part of a network of
  computers. To	simplify network administration, most networks (mostly
  Sun-based networks) run the Network Information Service. Linux
  machines can take full advantage of existing NIS service or provide
  NIS service themselves. It can also (with the	NYS library) act as a
  limited NIS+ client.

  This document	tries to answer	questions about	setting	up NIS(YP) on
  your Linux machine. It does not talk about how to set	up NIS+. Don't
  forget to read section 5.1, The RPC Portmapper.

  2.1.	New versions of	this document

  New versions of this document	will be	posted periodically (about every
  month) to the	newsgroups comp.os.linux.announce and
  comp.os.linux.misc.  The document is archived	on a number of Linux FTP
  sites, including in /pub/Linux/docs/HOWTO.

  2.2.	Disclaimer

  Although this	document has been put together to the best of our
  knowledge it may, and	probably does contain errors. Please read any
  README files that are	bundled	with any of the	various	pieces of
  software described in	this document for more detailed	and accurate
  information. We will attempt to keep this document as	error free as

  2.3.	Feedback

  If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please email them
  to Erwin Embsen <>. Definitely contact him if you find
  errors or obvious omissions.

  2.4.	Acknowledgements

  We would like	to thank all the people	who have contributed (directly
  or indirectly) to this document. In alphabetical order:

       Andrea Dell'Amico <>
       Mitchum DSouza	 <Mitch.Dsouza@Dubai.Sun.COM>
       Erwin Embsen	 <>
       Byron A Jeff	 <>
       Peter Eriksson	 <>

  Theo de Raadt	<> is responsible	for the	original yp-
  clients code.	 Swen Thuemmler	<>	ported the yp-
  clients code to Linux	and also ported	the yp-routines	in libc	(again
  based	on Theo's work).

  3.  NIS or NIS+ ?

  The choice between NIS and NIS+ is easy - use	NIS if you don't have to
  use NIS+ or have severe security needs. NIS+ is _much_ more
  problematic to administer (it's pretty easy to handle	on the client
  side,	but the	server side is horrible). Another problem is that the
  support for NIS+ under Linux is still	under developement - one major
  thing	it still lacks is support for data encryption/authentication
  which	is _the_ major thing why anyone	would want to use NIS+...

  3.1.	Traditional NIS	or the NYS library ?

  The choice between Traditional NIS or	the NIS	code in	the NYS	library
  is a choice between laziness and maturity vs.	flexibility and	love of

  The "traditional NIS"	code is	in the standard	C library and has been
  around longer	and sometimes suffers from it's	age and	slight

  The NIS code in the NYS library, on the other	hand requires you either
  to recompile and relink all your programs to the libnsl library, or
  recompile the	libc library to	include	the libnsl code	into the libc
  library (or maybe you	can go get a precompiled version of libc from
  someone who has already done it).

  Another difference is	that the traditional NIS code has some support
  for NIS Netgroups, which the NYS code	doesn't	(yet). On the other hand
  the NYS code allows you to handle Shadow Passwords in	a transparent

  4.  How it works

  Within a network there must be at least one machine acting as	a NIS
  server. You can have multiple	NIS servers, each serving different NIS
  "domains" - or you can have cooperating NIS servers, where one is said
  to be	the master NIS server, and all the other are so-called slave NIS
  servers (for a certain NIS "domain", that is!) - or you can have a mix
  of them...

  Slave	servers	only have copies of the	NIS databases and receive these
  copies from the master NIS server whenever changes are made to the
  master's databases.  Depending on the	number of machines in your
  network and the reliability of your network, you might decide	to
  install one or more slave servers.  Whenever a NIS server goes down or
  is too slow in responding to requests, a NIS client connected	to that
  server will try to find one that is up or quicker.

  NIS databases	are in so-called DBM format, derived from ASCII
  databases.  For example, the files /etc/passwd and /etc/group	can be
  directly converted to	DBM format using ASCII-to-DBM translation
  software ("dbload", it's included with the server software). The
  master NIS server should have	both, the ASCII	databases and the DBM

  Slave	servers	 will be notified of any change	to the NIS maps, (via
  the "yppush" program), and automatically retrieve the	necessary
  changes in order to synchronize their	databases. NIS clients does not
  need to do this since	they always talks to the NIS server to read the
  information stored in	it's DBM databases.

  The author of	the YP clients for linux has informed us that the newest
  ypbind (from yp-clients.tar.gz) is able to get the server from a
  configuration	file - thus no need to broadcast (which	is insecure -
  due to the fact that anyone may install a NIS	server and answer the
  broadcast queries...)

  5.  What do you need to set up NIS?

  5.1.	The RPC	Portmapper

  To run any of	the software mentioned below you will need to run the
  program /usr/sbin/rpc.portmap. Some Linux distributions already have
  the code in /etc/rc.d/rc.inet2 to start up this daemon.  All you have
  to do	is comment it out and reboot your Linux	machine	to activate it.

  The RPC portmapper (portmap(8c)) is a	server that converts RPC program
  numbers into TCP/IP (or UDP/IP) protocol port	numbers. It must be
  running in order to make RPC calls (which is what the	NIS client
  software does) to RPC	servers	(like a	NIS server) on that machine.
  When an RPC server is	started, it will tell portmap what port	number
  it is	listening to, and what RPC program numbers it is prepared to
  serve.  When a client	wishes to make an RPC call to a	given program
  number, it will first	contact	portmap	on the server machine to
  determine the	port number where RPC packets should be	sent.

  Normally, standard RPC servers are started by	inetd(8C), so portmap
  must be started before inetd is invoked.

  5.2.	Determine whether you are a Server, Slave or Client.

  To answer this question you have to consider two cases:

  1. Your machine is going to be part of a network with	existing NIS

  2. You do not	have any NIS servers in	the network yet

  In the first case, you only need the client programs (ypbind,	ypwhich,
  ypcat, yppoll, ypmatch). The most important program is ypbind. This
  program must be running at all times,	that is, it should always appear
  in the list of processes. It's a so-called daemon process and	needs to
  be started from the system's startup file (eg. /etc/rc.local).  As
  soon as ypbind is running, your system has become a NIS client.

  In the second	case, if you don't have	NIS servers, then you will also
  need a NIS server program (usually called ypserv). Section 6 describes
  how to set up	a NIS server on	your Linux machine using the "ypserv"
  implementation by Peter Eriksson (<>). Note	that
  this implementation does NOT support the master-slave	concept	talked
  about	in section 3. Using this software, all your NIS	servers	will be
  master servers. There	is also	another	free NIS server	available,
  called "yps",	written	by Tobias Reber	in Germany which does support
  the master-slave concept, but	has other limitations.

  5.3.	The Software

  The system library "/usr/lib/libc.a" (version	4.4.2 and better) or the
  shared library "/usr/lib/" and	its related DLL	contain	all
  necessary system calls to succesfully	compile	the NIS	client and
  server software.

  Some people reported that NIS	only works with	"/usr/lib/libc.a"
  version 4.5.21 and better so if you want to play it safe don't user
  older	libc's.	 The NIS client	software can be	obtained from:

    Site		   Directory			    File Name   /pcsoft2/linux/local/yp	    yp-clients.tar.gz	   /pub/OS/Linux/BETA/NYS/clients   yp-clients.tar.gz	   /pub/NYS/clients		    yp-clients.tar.gz	   /pub/Linux/system/Network/admin  yp-clients.tar.gz

  Once you obtained the	software, please follow	the instructions which
  come with the	software.

  5.4.	Setting	up a NIS Client	using Traditional NIS

  Assuming you have succesfully	compiled the software you are now ready
  to install the software. A suitable place for	the ypbind daemon is the
  directory /usr/sbin.

  You'll need to do this as root of course. The	other binaries (ypwhich,
  ypcat, yppoll, ypmatch) should go in a directory accessible by all
  users, for example /usr/etc or /usr/local/bin.  It might be a	good
  idea to test ypbind before incorporating it in /etc/rc.d/rc.inet2.

  To test ypbind do the	following:

  o  Make sure you have	your domain name set. If it is not set then
     issue the command:

		   /bin/domainname-yp nis.domain

  where	nis.domain should be some string, _NOT_	normally associated with
  the domain name of your machine! The reason for this is that it makes
  it a little harder for external crackers to retreive the password
  database from	your NIS servers. If you don't know what the NIS domain
  name is on your network, ask your system/network administrator.

  o  Start up "/usr/sbin/rpc.portmap" if it is not already running.

  o  Create the	directory "/var/yp" if it does not exist.

  o  Start up "/usr/sbin/ypbind"

  o  Use the command "rpcinfo -p localhost" to check if	ypbind was able
     to	register its service with the portmapper. The rpcinfo should
     produce something like:

	 program vers proto   port
	  100000    2	tcp    111  portmapper
	  100000    2	udp    111  portmapper
	  100007    2	udp    637  ypbind
	  100007    2	tcp    639  ypbind
	  300019    1	udp    660

  o  You may also run "rpcinfo -u localhost ypbind". This command should
     produce something like:

	       program 100007 version 2	ready and waiting

  Finally, do not forget that for host lookups you must	set (or	add)
  "nis"	to the lookup order line in your /etc/host.conf	file. Please
  read the manpage "resolv+.8" for more	details.

  At this point	you should be able to use NIS client programs like
  ypcat, etc...	 For example, "ypcat passwd" will give you the entire
  NIS password database.

  IMPORTANT: If	you skipped the	test procedure then make sure you have
  set the domain name, and created the directory:


  This directory MUST exist for	ypbind to start	up succesfully.

  If the test worked you may now want to change	the files /etc/rc.d/rc.M
  and /etc/rc.d/rc.inet2 on your system	so that	ypbind will be started
  up at	boot time and your system will act as a	NIS client. Edit the
  file /etc/rc.d/rc.M and look for the commands	which set the domain
  name.	 Change	the domain name	into the name of your domain. Also, edit
  the file /etc/rc.d/rc.inet2, comment out the lines which start up the
  rpc.portmap daemon, and add the following lines just after the place
  where	rpc.portmap is started:

	   # Start the ypbind daemon
	   if [	-f ${NET}/ypbind -a -d /var/yp ]; then
	       echo -n " ypbind"

  Unlike Sun's implementation of NIS you do not	need to	edit /etc/passwd
  and /etc/group to take advantage of NIS. Sun's implementation	needs a
  line "+:*:0:0:::" in /etc/passwd and a line "+:*:0:" in /etc/group to
  tell NIS to search the NIS password and group	databases.

  IMPORTANT: Note that the command finger will report "no such user"
  messages if you do not add the line "+:*:0:0:::" to /etc/passwd.
  Putting the line "+:*:0:0:::"	back in	/etc/passwd fixes finger.

  Well,	that's it. Reboot the machine and watch	the boot messages to see
  if ypbind is actually	started.

  IMPORTANT: Note that the netgroup  feature is	implemented starting
  from libc 4.5.26. Netgroups allow access control for every machine and
  every	user in	the NIS	domain,	and they require an entry like:


  in /etc/passwd. But if you have a version of libc erlier than	4.5.26,
  every	 user  in  the	NIS password database can access your linux
  machine if you run "ypbind".

  6.  What you need to set up NYS?

  6.1.	Determine whether you are a Server, Slave or Client.

  To answer this question you have to consider two cases:

  o  Your machine is going to be part of a network with	existing NIS

  o  You do not	have any NIS servers in	the network yet

  In the first case you	have two choices:

  o  Either you	relink all client and daemon programs with the NYS
     library (or statically link them	with libnsl.a).	This
     means adding the line:


  to your Makefile signifing you want to link the Network Services
  Library. Basically all network deamons and the "login" program need to
  be recompiled.

  o  Or	you can	recompile the standard C library libc to include the NYS
     client library functions into the normal libc library, and	then
     relink all	statically linked programs (the	dynamically linked
     programs automatically get	the new	version	of libc).  See section
     6.5 below for more	information about this option.
  Similarly like in the	case of	traditional NIS, if you	don't have NIS
  servers, then	you will also need a NIS server	program	(usually called
  ypserv) and you have to designate one	of the machines	in your	network
  as a master NIS server. Again, you might want	to set up at least one
  slave	server as well.

  6.2.	The Software

  You need to retrieve and compile the NYS services library
  If you don't have the	DLL tools installed you	may retrieve a
  precompiled shared, static and stub library from the same site
  mentioned below. Note, however, that the precompiled version may be
  (and probably	is) older than the latest source code release.

  The NYS library (source and precompiled version)  can	be obtained

	   Site		       Directory		      File Name  /pub/NYS/libs		      nys-0.27.4.tar.gz  /pub/NYS/binaries/lib	       /pub/OS/Linux/BETA/NYS/libs    nys-0.27.4.tar.gz	       /pub/OS/Linux/BETA/NYS/lib

  Precompiled "login" and "su" programs	may also be fetched from

	   Site		       Directory		      File Name  /pub/NYS/binaries/bin	      login  /pub/NYS/binaries/bin	      su	       /pub/OS/Linux/BETA/NYS/bin     login	       /pub/OS/Linux/BETA/NYS/bin     su

  Similarly, example configuration files may be	retrieved from

	   Site		       Directory		      File Name  /pub/NYS/binaries/etc	      *conf	       /pub/OS/Linux/BETA/NYS/etc     *conf

  For compilation of the nsl library, please follow the	instructions
  which	come with the software.	If you wish to compile the shared DLL
  library you must have	the DLL	tools installed	in the standard	place
  (/usr/dll). The DLL tools (the package tools-2.11.tar.gz or later) can
  be obtained from many	sites.

  6.3.	Setting	up a NYS Client	using NYS

  Unlike traditional NIS, there	is no setting up required for a	NIS
  client. All that is required is that the NIS configuration file
  (/etc/yp.conf) points	to the correct server(s) for its information.
  Also,	the Name Services Switch configuration file (/etc/nsswitch.conf)
  must be correctly set	up.

  Please refer to the examples provided	with the source	code.

  6.4.	The nsswitch.conf File

  The Network Services switch file /etc/nsswitch.conf determines the
  order	of lookups performed when a certain piece of information is
  requested, just like the /etc/host.conf file which determines	the way
  host lookups are performed. Again, look at at	the example file
  provided in the source distribution. For example, the	line

	   hosts: files	nis dns

  specifies that host lookup functions should first look in the	local
  /etc/hosts file, followed by a NIS lookup and	finally	thru the domain
  name service (/etc/resolv.conf and named), at	which point if no match
  is found an error is returned.

  6.5.	Making your binaries NYS aware

  Instead of relinking each binary with	the NYS	library	(, a
  cleaner solution has been achieved by	providing the user with	the
  ability to build a NYS aware libc. This means	all you	need to	do is
  recompile a new libc and replace your	existing /lib/ for
  all (non-static compiled) programs to	be NYS aware.

  This merge also gives	you the	advantage over the traditional NIS
  implementation in the	linux libc in that it allows transparent shadow
  passwords support (via the /etc/nisswitch.conf file).

  Follow the simple steps below	to rebuild a NYS aware libc.

  o  Make sure you have	the latest DLL tools installed.	Refer to the the
     GCC-FAQ for more info on where to get this.

  o  Get the latest libc sources. (again see GCC-FAQ)

  o  Get the latest nys	sources	from

  and extract it under this libc-linux source directory.  The current
  NYS distribution is "nys-0.27.4.tar.gz".

  o  Do	the ./configure	as before and first answer "n" to the question

		 Values	correct	(y/n) [y] ?

  Then go thru all the other questions and the last question will now be

		 Build a NYS libc from nys-0.27	(y default) ?

  answer "y" to	this.

  o  Then issue	the command

		 % make

  The library generated	after compilation is named something like

  and placed under the directory jump/libc-nys.	To install this	library
  our advise would be copying it to /lib with a	name lexiographically
  greater than the version number it currently has. Just appending the
  letter "a" should do the trick.  For example:

	   % cp	jump/libc-nys/ /lib/

  Alternatively, append	"nys" to it so you can quickly identify	it.  Now
  run the command

	   % ldconfig

  which	will reset your	cache to use the new library. The dynamic linker
  strategy may be examined with	the command "ldconfig -p".

  That's basically it. All your	programs should	now be NYS aware. Please
  note that usually the	program	"login"	is compiled static and thus
  cannot access	the new	NYS functions from the NYS aware libc. You must
  either recompile "login" without the -static flag, or	else statically
  link it to the libnsl.a library.

  7.  Setting up a NIS Server

  7.1.	The Server Program ypserv

  This document	only describes how to set up the "ypserv" NIS server.
  The "yps" server setup is similar, _but_ not exactly the same	so
  beware if you	try to apply these instructions	to "yps"!

  The NIS server software can be found on:

	   Site		       Directory			  File Name  /pub/NYS/servers			  ypserv-0.11.tar.gz	       /pub/OS/Linux/BETA/NYS/servers	  ypserv-0.11.tar.gz	       /os/linux/BETA/NYS/servers	  ypserv-0.11.tar.gz    /unix/system/linux/funet/BETA/NYS/servers

  The server setup is the same for both	traditional NIS	and NYS.

  Compile the software to generate the "ypserv", "dbcat" and "dbload"
  programs.  Firstly, determine	what files you require to be available
  via NIS and then add or remove the appropriate entries to the
  ypMakefile. Install the file ypMakefile into /var/yp as the file

  Now build the	DBM files by typing:

	   % cd	/var/yp; make

  Make sure the	portmapper (rpc.portmap) is running, and start the
  server "ypserv". The command

	   % rpcinfo -u	localhost ypserv

  should output	something like

      program 100004 version 2 ready and waiting

  That's it, your server is up and running.

  7.2.	The Program yppasswdd

  Whenever users change	their passwords, the NIS password database and
  probably other NIS databases,	which depend on	the NIS	password
  database, should be updated.	The program "yppasswdd"	is a server that
  handles password changes and makes sure that the NIS information will
  be updated accordingly. The software for "yppasswdd" can be found on:

	   Site			  Directory			 File Name	 /pub/NYS			 yppasswdd-0.5.tar.gz		 /pub/OS/Linux/BETA/NYS/servers	 yppasswdd-0.5.tar.gz

  Once you obtained the	software, please follow	the instructions which
  come with the	software.

  8.  Verifying	the NIS/NYS Installation

  If everything	is fine	(as it should be), you should be able to verify
  your installation with a few simple commands.	Assuming, for example,
  your passwd file is being supplied by	NIS, the command

	   % ypcat passwd

  should give you the contents of your NIS passwd file.	The command

	   % ypmatch userid passwd

  (where userid	is the login name of an	arbitrary user)	should give you
  the user's entry in the NIS passwd file. The "ypcat" and "ypmatch"
  programs should be included with your	distribution of	traditional NIS
  or NYS.

  9.  Common Problems and Troubleshooting NIS

  Here are some	common problems	reported by various users:

  1. The libraries for 4.5.19 are broken. NIS won't work with it.

  2. If	you upgrade the	libraries from 4.5.19 to 4.5.24	then the su
     command breaks. You need to get the su command from the slackware
     1.2.0 distribution. Incidentally that's where you can get the
     updated libraries.

  3. You could run into	trouble	with NIS and DNS on the	same machine.
     My	DNS server occasionally	will not bring up NIS. Haven't yet
     tracked down why.

  4. When a NIS	server goes down and comes up again ypbind starts
     complaining with messages like:

	      yp_match:	clnt_call:
			  RPC: Unable to receive; errno	= Connection refused

  and logins are refused for those who are registered in the NIS
  database. Try	to login as root and if	you succeed, then kill ypbind
  and start it up again.

  10.  Frequently Asked	Questions

  Most of your questions should	be answered by now. If there are still
  questions unanswered you might want to post a	message	to

  or contact one of the	authors	of this	HOWTO.