+ Different row height calculation in Linux and Windows in specific ODS (tdf#121040) [Serge Krot]
    + Firebird: app must be forced to end after any use relation designer window - add table function causes immediate hang (tdf#122129) [Tamas Bunth]
    + UI: dialog Paragraph/Character, tab Font, box Family: search does not trigger autocomplete for font name (tdf#122484) [Caolán McNamara]
    + When opening the navigator, the caret is no longer positioned on the list (tdf#122900) [Jim Raykowski]
    + Cannot deactivate OpenType features anymore in 6.2 (tdf#123304) [Khaled Hosny]
    + Writer crashes after undoing + redoing ToC insertion in middle of word (tdf#123446) [Michael Stahl]
    + Big file size due to missing compression of EMF files (tdf#123452) [Bartosz Kosiorek]
    + Crash when Navigate By Headings search wraps from end to beginning of file (tdf#123637) [Michael Stahl]
    + crash: Not possible to set Y error bars in Cell range (tdf#123694) [Caolán McNamara]
    + kde5: Writer: Closing "Insert" -> "Section" dialog leads to crash (tdf#123745) [Michael Stahl]
    + Inserting an envelope crashes upon choosing Format>Edit>Character in dialog box (tdf#123950) [Caolán McNamara]
    + Dialog to choose a font does not work anymore (tdf#124028) [Caolán McNamara]
    + the Navigator gets the focus when starting a new document while the Navigator is open (tdf#49684) [Jim Raykowski]