+ unchecked dynamic_cast (cid#1594402) [Caolán McNamara]
    + negative offset (ofz#67540) [Caolán McNamara]
    + infinite loop (ofz#67563) [Caolán McNamara]
    + ignore oversized colspans (ofz#67708) [Caolán McNamara]
    + UNKNOWN READ (ofz#67854) [Caolán McNamara]
    + New Database Wizard gets confused between ODBC and JDBC connection if you backup twice to step 1. (tdf#103068) [Mike Kaganski]
    + Primary key should default to AutoValue=Yes when type is integer (tdf#108057) [Mike Kaganski]
    + Wrong cursor position when deleting a selection in Show Changes mode (tdf#109272) [Mike Kaganski]
    + Cannot turn off section boundaries with Options-Application Colors (tdf#129905) [Justin Luth]
    + Hyperlinks cannot be clicked / interacted with in PDF export of RTF or DOCX files (comment 9) (tdf#142133) [Xisco Fauli]
    + crash / no effect when clicking some dropdown buttons when toolbar overflows (tdf#154072) [Caolán McNamara]
    + Using "Update entry from selection" button in "Edit Index Entry" switches to "Insert" mode (tdf#154209) [Heiko Tietze]
    + "Edit Fields" for cross-reference fields should open on the type, format, and selection of the inserted field (tdf#154715) [Caolán McNamara]
    + Add Help button to sidebar (tdf#156156) [Stéphane Guillou]
    + Long text in merged cells not painted (tdf#156655) [Tibor Nagy]
    + "Always autocorrect to" deletes the word instead of replacing (affects extensions like Grammalecte, LanguageTool, Antidote) (tdf#157258) [Caolán McNamara]
    + Testing Mail Merge Email settings fails with ssl.SSLCertVerificationError (tdf#157480) [Caolán McNamara]
    + Tabbed UI: Cannot scroll through all Style Preview options with up/down arrow button (tdf#157587) [Caolán McNamara]
    + DOCX Document That Opens/Loads Extremely Slowly (tdf#158556) [Noel Grandin]
    + FILEOPEN PPTX Slow loading of file with lots of unused master pages (tdf#158773) [Noel Grandin]
    + CRASH: after pressing return a few times (tdf#158801) [Miklos Vajna]
    + FILEOPEN: RTF: Extra page break (tdf#158986) [Miklos Vajna]
    + FILESAVE PDF Tagged PDF export of media file fails to create PDF (tdf#159094) [Tibor Nagy]
    + Command-F assigned to both Edit > Find and Edit > Find and Replace menu items in Calc (tdf#159326) [Patrick Luby]
    + Items in Template Manager's "Manage" dropdown should be left-aligned (gtk3) (tdf#159498) [Caolán McNamara]
    + Excessive memory consumption in v24.2 (tdf#159529) [Patrick Luby]
    + jdbcDriverOOo extension causes hang on LibreOffice macOS Arm, requiring force kill (tdf#159790) [Patrick Luby]
    + Printing line style dotted lines (horizontal) turns into dashes. (tdf#159805) [Noel Grandin]
    + A11Y sidebar: Tabs used in TOC create warning (tdf#159918) [Samuel Mehrbrodt]
    + Applied date/time language not detected in insert header/footer dialog (tdf#159927) [Justin Luth]
    + Type to select currency in split button dropdown does not work for gtk3 (tdf#160028) [Caolán McNamara]
    + Document Calc's separate Footer and Header tabs if "Same content on first page" is off (tdf#160057) [Stéphane Guillou]
    + The Options dialog that opens from the Solver dialog could be a bit taller to fit all options (tdf#160122) [Rafael Lima]
    + Header and footer gets removed in Writer and cannot be restored after pasting some text from a shape (steps in comment 2) (tdf#160139) [Miklos Vajna]
    + Spellchecking dialog's main textfield background color does not update on light/dark mode switching (Linux) (tdf#160159) [Caolán McNamara]
    + Hyperlink to Draw page does not update after change in page position, since LO 6.4 (tdf#160162) [Hossein]
    + CRASH when trying to overwrite file in read-only directory when its lock file exists (tdf#160192) [Julien Nabet]
    + LibreOffice 7.6.5 - SF_Session RunApplication crash for unknown reason (tdf#160222) [Jean-Pierre Ledure]
    + "Duplicate Sheet" Causes Axis Label to Appear in Chart (tdf#160225) [Julien Nabet]
    + Draw PDF import shows message "This PDF file is encrypted and can't be opened." if Windows account contains special character (tdf#160260) [Mike Kaganski]
    + XTextRange.setString("𝜇") or any other 32-bit Unicode character breaks the range (tdf#160278) [Mike Kaganski]
    + FILEOPEN: DOC: DOCVARIABLE fields with missing content (tdf#160301) [Oliver Specht]
    + Formatting decimals can result in wrong rounding (tdf#160306) [Mike Kaganski]
    + Unwanted spaces in the printout (tdf#160342) [Aron Budea]
    + The label in the Bibliography formatting menu has been mislabeled for many years. (tdf#160351) [Mike Kaganski, Julien Nabet]
    + Writer: unable to turn off "text boundaries" for frames / tables (tdf#160365) [Justin Luth]
    + Crash on save after deleting sheet (tdf#160368) [Caolán McNamara]
    + Group anchored to cell below hidden row moves to next cell at save (+ visual left behind, so seems unselectable) (tdf#160369) [Regina Henschel]
    + Broken SVG import with fill=none and clippaths (tdf#160373) [Xisco Fauli]
    + All <switch> translations overlap in imported SVG (tdf#160386) [Xisco Fauli]
    + Hang on export of a specific document to HTML (tdf#160390) [Mike Kaganski]
    + Print dialog preview's measurement are black on dark background in dark mode (gtk3) (tdf#160392) [Caolán McNamara]
    + Print Preview freezes with whole row merged in large spreadsheet (tdf#160399) [Noel Grandin]
    + A flipped extruded custom shape is wrongly illuminated (tdf#160421) [Regina Henschel]
    + Rotated text is partially cut off on Windows with Skia disabled (tdf#160430) [Mike Kaganski]
    + Vertically oriented rotated text is partially cut off on Windows with Skia disabled (tdf#160436) [Mike Kaganski]
    + Crash on closing the 3D-Effects Window (tdf#160444) [Patrick Luby]
    + [NEWHELP] CSS issue with Help pages for prism code colorize (tdf#160467) [Juan José González]
    + The Like LO Basic operator does not work correctly if there are certain characters in the string being tested. (tdf#160478) [Mike Kaganski]
    + An as-character object sitting in a line alone hides, when shifted outside of page boundaries, instead of moving to the next page (tdf#160526) [Mike Kaganski]
    + large objects with complex header&footer may cause loop (tdf#160549) [Mike Kaganski]
    + It should be possible to use shift + F3 case change (cycle case), when cursor is at the beginning or end of a word and not only in the middle (tdf#63259) [Oliver Specht]
    + FORMATTING: Wrong chapter title in running header/footer after the first page of endnotes (tdf#81012) [Mike Kaganski]
    + support hiding title objects (tdf#92768) [Julien Nabet]
    + UI. RTL: Horizontal scrolling for right-to-left Sheet moves in opposite direction (macOS and Linux) (tdf#93352) [Patrick Luby]