cid#1606642 data race condition [Caolán McNamara] cid#1607671 data race condition [Caolán McNamara] cid#1608560 data race condition [Caolán McNamara] cid#1635773 dereference after null check [Caolán McNamara] cid#1636576 dereference null return value [Caolán McNamara] cid#1636579 dereference after null check [Caolán McNamara] cid#1636664 dereference after null check [Caolán McNamara] cid#1636669 dereference after null check [Caolán McNamara] cid#1636690 dereference after null check [Caolán McNamara] cool#9992 doc electronic sign: make return type for .uno:Signature consistent [Miklos Vajna] tdf#51300 VIEWING: Comments are not readable (shown in white over yellow) [Caolán McNamara] tdf#61358 UI: Remember state of option "Insert image from file -> Linked" [Andreas Heinisch] tdf#79298 FORMATTING: Copy/paste: importing of strikethrough attribute doesn't work [Andreas Heinisch] tdf#85428 Imported PDF displays extra-long lines for shaded area [Dr. David Alan Gilbert] tdf#113015 “Online updates†checks the updates of extensions installed too [Bogdan Buzea] tdf#119745 Scrolling with a laptop touchpad in Libreoffice way too fast [Marc Mondesir] tdf#119840 FILEOPEN DOCX: Long file open and post-processing time after file open [Noel Grandin] tdf#124954 HELP for recalculating of formulas on opening of a spreadsheet needs updating [Bogdan Buzea] tdf#130857 Qt5 implement theming using native widgets (weld) [Michael Weghorn] tdf#131332 HELP: replace custom date formats with ISO 8601 to stop promoting ambiguous formats [Bogdan Buzea] tdf#132274 Writer does not allow a user-set default view/zoom (overwriting the zoom level stored in a document, that is used by default) [Thorsten Behrens] tdf#135320 FILEOPEN PPTX: effect similar to soft edges ("inward soft edges") not shown [Balazs Varga] tdf#135628 SendSimpleMailMessage bodytext with new lines ends up as multiple recipients [Stephan Bergmann] tdf#140298 Improve UX for SQL dialog [Heiko Tietze] tdf#144694 SQLite: a Base query including table creation and selecting returns error "The data content could not be loaded. The execution of the query does not return a valid result set." (see comment 27) [Ilmari Lauhakangas] tdf#147067 Option-click in a Mac scroll bar does not work properly [Patrick Luby] tdf#150789 FILEOPEN PPTX: text in SmartArt vertically off (too low) [Balazs Varga] tdf#150839 View layout has no alternative access method [Adesola Samuel] tdf#150861 Autofilter result is wrong when I deselect one item, click OK, then click on the dropdown again [Balazs Varga] tdf#152703 Skia - resizing StartCenter window with mouse leaves black undrawn areas until mouse button released [Patrick Luby] tdf#153057 Calc and Base can not filter time values [Balazs Varga] tdf#155193 [LOCALHELP] Do not deliver Help files with indexer=exclude [Olivier Hallot] tdf#156317 Unclear what a superordinate object is for Table Properties | Table | Text Direction [Bogdan Buzea] tdf#156398 Data Validation Input Message not see with Dark Mode [Caolán McNamara] tdf#157001 screen reader NVDA Access Issue in LibreOffice Calc's Organize Template Menu [Michael Weghorn] tdf#157476 AutoFilter is filtering incorrectly when set to hide empty cells [Balazs Varga] tdf#157747 Calc select all rows and columns corner should hint at its function [Adesola Samuel] tdf#157794 Calc - loss of imaginary part in IMPOWER() result [dtm] tdf#158512 FILEOPEN PPTX Placeholder on master slide with Use background fill opened incorrectly on slide [Vasily Melenchuk] tdf#159549 FORMATTING LO Writer 7.6 and 24.2 alter settings of Text Body paragraph style when renaming style as Body Text [Michael Stahl] tdf#160487 FILESAVE PPTX "Fit height to text" attribute of drawing objects (placeholders) [Balazs Varga] tdf#160621 Field dialog: user/variable field value field sometimes too small [Oliver Specht] tdf#161502 Calc: change Structure label of Function Wizard dialog [Ilmari Lauhakangas] tdf#161623 macOS: Calc: Split Screen Issue: If a split screen is initialized from another application, window dimensions are incorrectly offset in the y-axis [Patrick Luby] tdf#161915 Wrong extended tip for the UI string "Followed by:" [Bogdan Buzea] tdf#161917 Rename "Edit cell highlighting" [Ilmari Lauhakangas, Bogdan Buzea] tdf#162504 No Help page for multiple Sidebar Decks [Dione Maddern] tdf#162716 TextInputStream.ReadLine() will not always strip line-ending characters (i.e. \r or \n) [Alin Andrei Abahnencei] tdf#162750 Formatting: Small-Caps Conflict with Font Ligature Resulting in Hidden Characters [Jonathan Clark] tdf#163033 Crash when attempting to save a COPY of a sheet-with-comments from a now-closed spreadsheet [Justin Luth] tdf#163221 Hovering the mouse over a Basic dialog will make it grow or crash (Dialog Editor) [Noel Grandin] tdf#163319 Error in XSpreadsheets.moveByName() [Alin Andrei Abahnencei] tdf#163395 Standard filter can no longer filter percentage values [Balazs Varga] tdf#163620 Community Discussion: UI changes for 'LibreOffice Theme' GSoC project [Sahil Gautam] tdf#163634 When entering a new list item in Impress 24.8 the bullets do not obey paragraph spacing [Oliver Specht] tdf#163752 After cancellation of dragging cells the black border around the drop target stays visible [Andre Herbst] tdf#163858 Slideshow settings in Impress don't allow for repeating slides in windowed mode [Ariel Darshan] tdf#164034 Make non-breaking hyphen visible again in normal use case (at least as an option) [Heiko Tietze] tdf#164039 [Request] "Tip of the day 8/225" sample formula to match the figure [Bogdan Buzea] tdf#164072 LibreOffice crashes when deleting all comments [Michael Weghorn] tdf#164093 Crash when clicking on the Sidebar Tab menu button for SB deck selector pop-up menu with AT active on Windows [Michael Weghorn] tdf#164095 FILEOPEN DOCX Spacing before paragraph is ignored after section break [Miklos Vajna] tdf#164102 [25.2] The last thumbnail of Start Center may not be displayed [Andreas Heinisch] tdf#164106 Devanagari font rendering issues [Jonathan Clark] tdf#164124 Mismatching partial date input in date pre-formatted cell may lead to fraction being recognized [Eike Rathke] tdf#164129 Changing page size/orientation when printing notes in Impress does not relayout content [Tibor Nagy] tdf#164143 Tooltip with path to macro in new Macro Organizer dialog contains percent symbols instead Cyrillic [Jim Raykowski] tdf#164213 In a read-only presentation, editing of formulas (and other OLE objects) is possible [Mike Kaganski] tdf#164239 Inconsistent Interpretation of Year-Month-Day like strings in Calc [Eike Rathke] tdf#164247 Writer Accessibility check requires too high contrast for large text [Michael Weghorn] tdf#164263 Table of Contents in certain DOCX does not start on new page with SAL_DISABLE_PRINTERLIST [Justin Luth] tdf#164299 Pasting from Calc to Impress in HTML format crashes LO [Oliver Specht] tdf#164353 MessageDialog buttons don't respond to clicks (kf5/kf6) [Michael Weghorn] tdf#164354 Writer freezes when Print command is invoked [Patrick Luby] tdf#164359 Crash on double-click of level 2 word in Impress [Miklos Vajna] tdf#164366 invalid mongolian hunspell dictionary: easy fix [Robert Muir]