bnc#780645 import w:tblLayout of DOCX tables [Miklos Vajna] bnc#798309 OOXML import: A shape with background are missed when importing xlsx. [Noel Power] bnc#805071 rehash basic unit test framework [Noel Power] bnc#809017 unittest and test data for [Noel Power] coverity#441020 dereference after null check [Julien Nabet] coverity#982290 logically dead code [Julien Nabet] fdo#30545 Copy/Cut icons on Basic IDE won't be enabled properly [Noel Power] fdo#30983 Text in frame anchored to top margin not correctly exported to RTF [Miklos Vajna] fdo#32082 [EDITING] Table Number Format not modified for empty table cells [Jan Holesovsky] fdo#33302 FILEOPEN/EDITING RTL text: parentheses and brackets "(...) [...]" inverted to ")...( ]...[" with some fonts [navin patidar] fdo#34800 EDITING: Comments added to footer are placed at the right top of the page. [Joren De Cuyper] fdo#36858 Oracle Report Builder date calculation error [Lionel Elie Mamane] fdo#37464 Cell Border works backwards on Right-to-Left spreadsheet [Faisal M. Al-Otaibi] fdo#37716 FILEOPEN RTF: frame contents (graphics & text) missing when imported [Miklos Vajna] fdo#38385 Failure to read correct border info from OOXML (2nd edition) XLSX files [Noel Power] fdo#38951 RTL numbering with wrong direction in Textbox [navin] fdo#39066 Hyperlinks are missing after closing [Chr. Rossmanith] fdo#47018 EDITING Copying text with non default bullets corrupts presentation, ultimately crashes Impress [Cao Cuong Ngo] fdo#48039 Cross-references in Master Document report Error: Reference source not found [Caolán McNamara] fdo#48549 System::Beep() removal [Thomas Arnhold] fdo#49120 FILESAVE: LibreOffice corrupts XLSX file [Irányossy Knoblauch Artúr] fdo#51296 UI: Calc doesn't take care of security setting "Ctrl-click required to follow hyperlinks" [Akash Shetye] fdo#51828 UI: Sort: can use more than 3 criteria once only [Albert Thuswaldner] fdo#51916 FILEOPEN: Crash when opening particular RTF document with TABLES [Miklos Vajna] fdo#52179 Libreoffice base copies from wrong row of a read-only table control with Ctrl+C [Lionel Elie Mamane] fdo#53278 Draw instead of russian show obscure characters in CDR file (Corel Draw 12 format) [Fridrich Štrba] fdo#53442 VIEWING: Text range annotation limited to a single paragraph [Miklos Vajna] fdo#55814 Condition for hidden section replaced by "0" [Miklos Vajna] fdo#56098 UI: 'Paste Special - Shift Cells' options availability not logical [Winfried Donkers] fdo#58807 No sound with statement "beep" [Thomas Arnhold] fdo#59117 Cell Borders of last(Right most) coumn is missing in RTL Table in impress [karth] fdo#59273 FILEOPEN: Writer doesn't display all table cells in DOCX file [Miklos Vajna] fdo#59892 Text written with Graphite Font (e.g Linux Biolinum G) Mirrored when the context direction is Right-to-left [navin patidar] fdo#60215 FILEOPEN: FORMATTING of value-related color, localized decimal separator and Currency VIEWING need Complete Recalculation [Markus Mohrhard] fdo#60259 : Writer behaves erratically when reverse replacing $ with nothing [Eike Rathke] fdo#60300 PIVOTTABLE: Calc crashing when using GETPIVOTDATA on pivottable that has automatic subtotals [Eike Rathke] fdo#60513 EDITING: Text selection in the entire table is undone when some format is applied [Michael Stahl] fdo#60533 Brackets (..),{..},[..] inverted )..(,}..{,]..[ when switch to RTL text direction with all fonts (Affect : calc, impress, draw). [navin patidar] fdo#60554 Borders disappear while merging some cells in RTL tables (impress/draw) [K_Karthikeyan] fdo#60581 [Template manager] Can not import template after descending into directory [Rafael Dominguez] fdo#60604 Impress Remote: Non-English characters in speaker notes garbled [Artur Dryomov] fdo#60844 [Template manager] Template Manager in 4.0 does not remember last open folder [Rafael Dominguez] fdo#60855 RTL UI: handout show boxes out of page border [Faisal M. Al-Otaibi] fdo#60922 FILEOPEN, FILESAVE create document as odt, save as docx , corrupts [Miklos Vajna] fdo#61142 ODBC: (LONG)(VAR)CHAR fields over 1023 characters, but below 2048 characters, cause garbage text [Lionel Elie Mamane] fdo#61193 EDITING: Writer crashes when pasting RTF footnote [Miklos Vajna] fdo#61241 Dialog box for Background style in Style and Formatting pane not correctly displayed [Caolán McNamara] fdo#61305 improper display [Stephan Bergmann] fdo#61389 [Template Manager] Access to features as Properties, Set as default, Delete is difficult [Rafael Dominguez] fdo#61390 ACCESSIBILITY: [Template Manager] All key board navigation is lacking [Cédric Bosdonnat, Rafael Dominguez] fdo#61429 LibreOffice doesn't remember the setting "Hierarchy" of the Styles and Formatting dialog [Michael Stahl] fdo#61564 REPORTBUILDER: Creating a basic report crashes [Lionel Elie Mamane] fdo#61789 PDF: Error in exporting vector graphics to PDF [Michael Meeks, Jan Holesovsky] fdo#61909 FILEOPEN particular .RTF: VIEWING with unexpected character background color [Miklos Vajna] fdo#61948 [EDITING], [REGRESSION], [CRASH] - Using Data | Validity crashes Calc [Caolán McNamara] fdo#62050 EDITING: comments window in RTL UI not working well [navin patidar] fdo#62090 Mid statement doesn't work as expected [Julien Nabet, Noel Power] fdo#62094 CRASH when trying shortcuts in PRINTING dialog [Michael Meeks] fdo#62110 configure fails because libGLU needs -lGL to link [Benedikt Morbach] fdo#62143 EDITING: In RTL letter numbering bullets aren’t displayed properly in edit view. [navin patidar] fdo#62147 FILEOPEN table embedded in ODT: <table-cell string-value="FOO" table:style-name="BAR"/>: style BAR not applied to FOO [Lionel Elie Mamane] fdo#62155 Libreoffice crashes after upgrade while using formula bar [Michael Meeks] fdo#62206 FORMATTING: Cell reference inside conditional format will not move when row is inserted/removed before first conditional format row [Markus Mohrhard] fdo#62278 debug warning fr_LU != fr_LU locales don't match [Eike Rathke] fdo#62287 FORMATTING: programme crash when applying gradient to Impress master page background [Caolán McNamara] fdo#62288 RTF: Gap added inside tables (regression) [Miklos Vajna] fdo#62360 Affixed forms of %, §, °C aren't recognized by the Hungarian spell checker [László Németh] fdo#62399 FORMATING: incorrect matching of border lines in 'Table Format' dialog for RTL Table [Faisal M. Al-Otaibi] fdo#62448 FILESAVE .ods with double size of vertically flipped (triangle) drawing shape anchored to cell [Luboš Luňák, Noel Power] fdo#62538 libcdr: cdr import faulty -> Incorrect alignment of the ellipses [Fridrich Štrba] fdo#62591 sdremote: frequent crashes ... [Artur Dryomov] fdo#62659 CRASH - Template Manager dumps core on closing after browsing templates [Cédric Bosdonnat] fdo#62805 FILEOPEN RTF : table not displayed [Maxime de Roucy] fdo#63161 EDITING: calc crash with some cell input containing digits and space in locales with space group separator [Eike Rathke] fdo#63350 UI: formula editor: Reorder toolbars, so "File Save" icon is on the left [Thomas Arnhold] fdo#63403 EDITING: Calc crash when entering single cell matrix formula with ROW() or COLUMN() [Eike Rathke] fdo#63421 PIVOTTABLE: Crash while using pivot table with accessibility enabled [Eike Rathke] i#116758 Impress forces excessive Xorg utilization and eventually crashes the window manager [Caolán McNamara] i#118925 ICU Regex: look-ahead and look-behind are not work well with replacement [Herbert Dürr] i#119478 [From Symphony]PPT Import:Cell background color in table gets lost while opening a ppt file with AOO [Andre Fischer] i#119658 [From Symphony] Some numbering format not support [Jian Fang Zhang] i#119870 [From Symphony]Line transparency value is lost after saving as another ppt by AOO [Jürgen Schmidt] i#119972 [From Symphony]Formula GETPIVOTDATA returns #REF! value [Wang Lei] i#120237 Crash when changing a shape background on OSX [Caolán McNamara] i#120598 Apache Find/Replace Flaw in OpenOffice 3.4.0 [Herbert Dürr] i#121482 Regular expressions Search for bold word select all paragraph [Herbert Dürr] i#121633 some regular expressions fail unless "match case" is also ON [Herbert Dürr] i#78029 Draw - glue points are incorrect for right triangle? [Regina Henschel] i#78247 Upper gluepoint of Isosceles Triangle is wrong when moving the handle. [Regina Henschel] rhbz#876742 [fix available] manipulation with larger tables in impress is very slow [David Tardon] rhbz#906137 Slide show mode inverts outputs [Caolán McNamara] rhbz#918938 Crash in Impress when right-clicking selected word [Caolán McNamara] rhbz#949238 libreoffice-impress crashes (divide by 0 in valueset.cxx pageup/down handler) [Caolán McNamara]