cid#1500515 dereference after null check [Caolán McNamara]
cid#1501377 dereference after null check [Caolán McNamara]
ofz#44991 keep within legal ArrowShape range [Caolán McNamara]
ofz#44997 use-of-uninitialized-value [Caolán McNamara]
ofz#45073 don't dereference null pointer on bogus font [Caolán McNamara]
ofz#45081 check font length [Caolán McNamara]
ofz#45082 out-of-memory [Caolán McNamara]
ofz#45165 verify table offsets [Caolán McNamara]
ofz#45255 handle short O_hhea table [Caolán McNamara]
ofz#45314 limit to valid day/month indexes [Caolán McNamara]
ofz#45524 string is presumed to be at least length 1 [Caolán McNamara]
ofz#46352 assert on bad string offset [Caolán McNamara]
ofz#46526 abrt [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#104927 Text Import - fixed width mode not adjusting csvtablebox for multi-byte fonts [Eike Rathke]
tdf#128610 "Import MathML from Clipboard", is broken on linux ( steps in comment 19 ) [Mike Kaganski]
tdf#132057 Calc jumping to "protected cells" during data entry in spreadsheets [Luboš Luňák]
tdf#135220 Different number of pages/ layout after CTRL+X undo [Michael Stahl]
tdf#136632 Save transparency when exporting selected drawing objects is not working for PNG [Julien Nabet]
tdf#137520 Colibre: Some icons with text (like B, I, U, etc) are too big that make them unbalance with the rest of the icons [Rizal Muttaqin]
tdf#138400 UI Calc Wrong icons showing for format as general and format as currency [Rizal Muttaqin]
tdf#140077 Fatal Error after insert a new line by Enter (std::bad_array_new_length) ( steps in comment 15 ) [Michael Stahl]
tdf#142151 Red cast rendered in 16 bit TIFF image [Julien Nabet]
tdf#143239 Image off-page after undo [Michael Stahl]
tdf#143615 Impress: Crash when slide transition = 0sec ( steps in comment 10 ) [Thorsten Behrens]
tdf#145580 Comment balloon doesn't allow Latin characters [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#146174 ALT no longer usable for hotkeys, goes to dropdown menu now (started in 7.2.3) (gtk3 only) [Vincent Reher]
tdf#146463 Filtering of data series name does not hide it in chart legend [Ouyang Leyan]
tdf#146597 Writer stops responding when a group of shapes is anchored to character [Attila Bakos (NISZ)]
tdf#147014 FILEOPEN XLSX: Images anchored to cells are missing [Aron Budea]
tdf#147143 Word selection error in Arabic text [Noel Grandin]
tdf#147150 "Point and Lines" Net Chart Type has identical looks with "Lines Only" (Colibre) [Rizal Muttaqin]
tdf#147166 Changing text color of list item changes vertical spacing [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#147310 The undo action isn't visible on screen (only save & reload will show it worked) [Michael Stahl]
tdf#147414 Space is add after the cursor not before (so cursor doesn't move when pressing space) with track & changed enabled [Michael Stahl]
tdf#147416 Track changes prevents spell suggestions to appear in right click context menu [Michael Stahl]
tdf#147603 Missing star icons in Extension dialog [Rizal Muttaqin]
tdf#147641 OPTIONS DIALOG: Configuring default font size for captions always reset to 12 points [Noel Grandin]
tdf#147664 Sukapura: Some icons with text (like B, I, U, etc) are too big that make them unbalance with the rest of the icons [Rizal Muttaqin]
tdf#147686 Colibre: Text direction icons (right to left and left to right) have less clear arrows especially on large screens (1920x1080) [Rizal Muttaqin]
tdf#147830 CRASH when apply particular advanced filter in particular document [Luboš Luňák]
tdf#147835 Sukapura: Text direction icons (right to left and left to right) have less clear arrows especially on large screens (1920x1080) [Rizal Muttaqin]
tdf#147838 Image needed for Base's dummy preview every icon theme (see tdf#139453) [Rizal Muttaqin]
tdf#148052 FILEOPEN DOCX: Date(fixed) or Time(fixed) fields with has a '.' in the Date Format are updated dynamically in Writer [Eike Rathke]
tdf#148054 Fixed width CSV import and "Text to Columns" function hidden columns' data is not hidden but trailing data may, or may get appended [Eike Rathke]