Title:          flcalc.tcz
Description:    Scientific calculator
Version:        0.99.1
Author:         Y. Usson, M. Overmars and R. Humble
Original-site:  http://membres-timc.imag.fr/Yves.Usson/personnel/FLE/flCalc.html
Copying-policy: GPL v3
Size:           28K
Extension_by:   madRat
Tags:           engineering calc calculator
Comments:       The scientific calculator on FLTK.
                It support usual scientific functions, various bases (binary,
                octal, decimal and hexadecimal) and 10 levels of brackets.
                PPI Compatible
Change-log:     2013/09/25 First version, 0.99.1 by Y.Usson.
Current:        2016/02/04 Current 0.99.1.