Title:          links.tcz
Description:    Graphical and text mode web browser
Version:        2.29
Author:         Twibright Labs.
Original-site:  http://links.twibright.com/
Copying-policy: GPL2
Size:		680KB
Extension_by:   Jason W
Tags:	        text mode web browser
Comments:       use in console mode
Change-log:     2008/07/30 First version
                2008/10/18 Added JWM menu
                2008/12/07 Rebuilt for i486 and size
      		2009/02/22 Bumped to version 2.2
		2009/09/09 Rebuilt against openssl-0.9.8k
		2010/07/25 Updated to 2.3pre1, enabled gpm and framebuffer support
                2011/08/14 Updated to 2.3, static linking to openssl-1.0.0d
                2013/10/07 updated 2.3 -> 2.8 (juanito)
                2020/02/10 updated 2.8 -> 2.20.2 (juanito)
Current:	2024/05/04 updated 2.20.2 -> 2.29 (juanito)