{{Box|text= # Make sure folder {{{store_where}}} exists. {{CodeSelect|code= mkdir --parents {{{store_where}}} }} # Navigate to {{ExtLink |{{{url}}} |{{{onion}}} |text={{{text}}} }} and download {{{software}}} and the associated file signature (.asc). Store it in folder {{{store_where}}}. # Read {{ExtLink |https://support.torproject.org/tbb/how-to-verify-signature/ |http://rzuwtpc4wb3xdzrj3yeajsvm3fkq4vbeubm2tdxaqruzzzgs5dwemlad.onion/tbb/how-to-verify-signature/ |text=https://support.torproject.org/tbb/how-to-verify-signature/ }} and learn how to perform digital software signature verification ("gpg"). Download and import the necessary keys. # Perform digital software signature verification for the {{{software}}} download. # Navigate to folder {{{store_where}}} with a file manger. Thunar example: ThunarViewShow Hidden Files # If the old version of {{{software}}} is still open, close it. # If there already is a folder {{{path_installed}}}, rename the old {{{path_installed}}} to something else. # Extract {{{software}}}: Right-click on the downloaded archiveextractextract archive here # The process is complete. # To start {{{software}}}: Note this will not result in a [[Tips_on_Remaining_Anonymous#Refrain_from_"Tor_over_Tor"_Scenarios|Tor over Tor]] scenario when using Tor Browser. {{project_name_short}} has a mechanism to [[Dev/anon-ws-disable-stacked-tor|disable Tor stacking]]. * '''A)''' If intending to use a graphical user interface: Start {{{software}}} from the start menu. * '''B)''' If intending to use a terminal, run the following command: {{CodeSelect|code= {{{starter}}} }} * '''C)''' Starting Tor Browser directly without Tor Browser Starter (/usr/bin/torbrowser) by {{project_name_short}}: {{CodeSelect|code= ~/.tb/tor-browser/Browser/start-tor-browser }} * '''D)''' Same as above in debug mode: {{CodeSelect|code= ~/.tb/tor-browser/Browser/start-tor-browser --debug }} }}