January 29, 2015 Thank you for downloading and installing this setup kit for XEmacs 21.4.23. This setup kit now includes all the XEmacs packages. By default, this setup kit installs these recommended packages: c-support, cc-mode, debug, dired, ecb, edebug, ediff, edit-utils, efs, eieio, fsf-compat, mail-lib, net-utils, os-utils, pc, perl-modes, prog-modes, semantic, sh-script, sounds-wav, speedbar, texinfo, text-modes, time, xemacs-base, and xemacs-devel. Unless you are very familiar with the XEmacs package system, I suggest that you not de-select any of the recommended packages, but rather augment the list of packages to be installed. Refer to the online XEmacs Package documentation - http://www.xemacs.org/Documentation/packageGuide.html - for information on installing further XEmacs packages to extend the editor's functionality. This setup kit can be installed along with a 21.5 installation. By default each setup kit will install to C:\Program Files\XEmacs\XEmacs-VERSION (where VERSION is either 21.4* or 21.5*) and all the installed versions will share packages. One significant difference between the two kits is that the 21.5 kit supports MULE. (Refer to http://www.xemacs.org/Documentation/21.5/html/xemacs-faq.html#SEC65 for more details on MULE.) If you are considering installing XEmacs 21.5, please remember that XEmacs 21.5 is _beta_ software, and may not be stable enough for your needs. (See http://www.xemacs.org/Releases/index.html#Beta for guidance.) This kit now gives the user a chance to delete the EMACSPACKAGEPATH key, which is no longer necessary and will cause XEmacs not to find its installed packages at runtime. This kit was built with Inno Setup, see http://www.jrsoftware.org/isinfo.php for details on Inno Setup. Regards, Vin Shelton <acs@xemacs.org>