__NOINDEX__ {{Header}} {{#seo: |description=How to manually install Monero in {{project_name_long}} |image=Moneroheader.png }} {{monero_mininav}} {{intro| How to manually install Monero in {{project_name_long}} }} [[File:Monero-symbol-1280.png|thumb|60px|128px|alt=Monero|link=Monero|Monero Logo]] {{Community Support|scope=page}} {{mbox | type = notice | image = [[File:Ambox_notice.png|40px|alt=Info]] | text = This information is now out of date. Refer to the main [[Monero]] chapter instead. }} = What is Monero? = Monero is a private-centric cryptocurrency launched in 2014 to allow direct and anonymous digital payments without being dependent on a central authority. = Installation = Apart from these hints, installing Monero in {{project_name_short}} does not differ from installing Monero on any Linux based distribution. Advanced [[Qubes]] users could look into [https://www.getmonero.org/resources/user-guides/cli_wallet_daemon_isolation_qubes_whonix.html CLI Wallet/Daemon Isolation with Qubes + {{project_name_short}}] [https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/qubes-users/monero%7Csort:date/qubes-users/CKB_drF16Tw/dntMLZ1aBwAJ qubes-users - Guide: Monero wallet/daemon isolation w/qubes+whonix] - untested by {{project_name_short}} developers. Only monero is currently available from Debian sid. Monero GUI is not yet available from packages.debian.org. {{Install Unstable|package= monero }} # Use Tor Browser, go to the Monero download page https://getmonero.org/downloads/ and download it. We avoid wget because it does not enforce https. We avoid scurl, since there is no redirecting stable link. TODO: this can probably be resolved by telling curl to follow redirects. Monero has a command line interface (CLI) as well as a graphical interface (GUI). Prefer the CLI if you feel at home with the terminal, otherwise choose the GUI. # Download Monero for Linux 64-bit. * [[{{non_q_project_name_short}}|{{non_q_project_name_short}}]]: version 13 users who upgraded to {{project_name_short}} 14 and above download: Linux 32-bit. * [[{{non_q_project_name_short}}|{{non_q_project_name_short}}]]: native version 14 and above users download: Linux 64-bit. * [[{{q_project_name_long}}|{{q_project_name_long}}]]: Linux 64-bit. # [[Warning#Always_Verify_Signatures|Always verify signatures!]] -- to verify the integrity of the file you downloaded please follow this [https://getmonero.org/resources/user-guides/verification-allos-advanced.html official guide] on the official Monero website. # Open the folder containing the Monero .tar.bz2 file. # Right-click and choose Open Terminal Here. # Type tar xvf into your terminal window followed by the name of the file that you downloaded. An example is provided below. {{CodeSelect|code= tar xvf monero-gui-linux-x64-v0.14.0.0.tar.bz2 }} Your terminal window will list the contents as they are being extracted. Once completed you can continue on to the next section. = Start Monero GUI = Open the extracted Monero folder then right-click and choose Open Terminal Here. Alternatively you can use cd in terminal to enter the Monero directory; see the example below. {{CodeSelect|code= cd /home/user/Downloads/Applications/monero-gui-v0.14.0.0 }} Now type the following code into your terminal window. {{CodeSelect|code= ./start-gui.sh }} = Add Monero Desktop Launcher = # Right-click on the desktop and choose Create Launcher. # In the "Name:" field type Monero GUI. # In the "Command:" field type the path leading to your extracted Monero folder followed by start-gui.sh. For example: /home/user/Downloads/monero-gui-v0.14.0.0/start-gui.sh To add an icon to the desktop link, follow these steps: # Visit https://getmonero.org/press-kit/symbols/monero-symbol-on-white-480.png and save the image to your downloads. # When creating your launcher click No icon. Choose Image Files from the "Select icon from:" drop down. # Now open the folder where the Monero .png image is located, select the file and choose OK. # After clicking Create a .desktop file will be added to the desktop. = Installation with a Remote Node = Using a remote node provides a quick way to set up your Monero wallet. You will not have to download the entire blockchain. It is important to note that the remote node: * Cannot spend your XMR (you hold the keys). * Does not know your IP address (we are connecting to it over Tor). * Does not know your XMR address. * Does not know your balance or private view key. However, using a remote node is not without risk, you can read about the possible attacks here: https://moneroworld.com/ In general, if the wallet warns you about the node misbehaving exit the wallet and connect to a different node. == CLI Instructions == ==== Download the Wallet ==== {{Box|text= '''1.''' Navigate to https://getmonero.org/downloads * Download the Linux, 64-bit (Command-line Tools Only) version. * Save the file in Browser > Downloads. '''2.''' Open the file explorer (Thunar). * Wait for the download to complete. * Downloads buttonOpen Containing Folder. '''3.''' Right-click the archive you just downloaded. * Click ExtractExtract Archive Here. * After extraction a folder named monero-v0.14.0.0 should appear. '''4.''' Copy this folder to your Home directory (/home/user/). * In this sidebar under 'Places' click 'Home'. * Right-clickPaste One Folder. * If the option to paste is greyed out you're probably in /home/ instead of /home/user/. }} ==== Create a Desktop Shortcut ==== {{Box|text= '''1.''' Click on the hamburger menu. * Top left corner of the screenConfigure Desktop. * Move Tor Browser out of the way if it is not visible. '''2.''' Navigate to the 'Wallpaper' section. * Change 'Layout' to 'Folder View', then click Apply. * Icons should now appear on the desktop. '''3.''' Open the terminal. * Double-click on Konsole on the desktop. '''4.''' Copy and paste the following terminal command and press Enter. {{CodeSelect|code= printf "[Desktop Entry]\nComment=Start Monero wallet\nExec=~/monero-v0.14.0.0/monero-wallet-cli --daemon-host xmrtolujkxnlinre.onion:18081\nPath=~/monero-v0.14.0.0/\nTerminal=true\nType=Application\nName=Monero CLI" > ~/Desktop/MoneroCLI.desktop && chmod +x ~/Desktop/MoneroCLI.desktop }} A shortcut named Monero CLI should now appear on the desktop. The terminal can now be closed. }} ==== Set up the Wallet ==== {{Box|text= '''1.''' Double-click the desktop shortcut. * A terminal window will now appear. '''2.''' Type a name for your wallet (for example 'monero'; remember this) and press Enter. '''3.''' Confirm the creation of a new wallet. * Type 'Y' and press Enter. '''4.''' Enter a password and confirm the password. '''5.''' Select the desired language for your 25 word seed. * For English, press '1' followed by Enter. * If the process is stuck after pressing Enter, your node is down. Scroll down to troubleshooting for instructions on how to resolve this. '''6.''' Write down your 25 word seed and optionally the current block height (this can be found [https://moneroblocks.info/ here]). * If you fail to do this and something happens to your {{project_name_short}} install your Monero are gone forever. * You can use this seed to recover your wallet. * The wallet creation height can be used to restore the wallet from the seed faster. '''7.''' The wallet will now refresh and this can take a couple of minutes. * If you get "Error: refresh failed: no connection to daemon": your node is down. Scroll down to troubleshooting for instruction on how to resolve this. Congratulations, your CLI wallet is now set-up! }} ===== Common Commands ===== '''Table:''' ''Common Monero Commands'' {| class="wikitable" |- ! scope="col"| '''Command''' ! scope="col"| '''Terminal''' |- ! scope="row"| Full Command List | {{CodeSelect|code= help }} |- ! scope="row"| Show your Balance | {{CodeSelect|code= balance }} |- ! scope="row"| View your Primary Address | {{CodeSelect|code= address }} |- ! scope="row"| Create a New Subaddress | {{CodeSelect|code= address new