{{Title| title=ProxyBOX }} {{Header}} {{#seo: |description=sys-proxy |image=Proxybox123.jpg }} [[File:Proxybox123.jpg|thumb]] {{intro| sys-proxy }} Developed for and tested in Qubes Debian / {{kicksecure}} only. = Introduction = TODO: write introduction {{Tunnels_Introduction}} This is for advanced users only! Advantage: IP forwarding not required For background information, see also: [[Dev/Inspiration#Proxy]] = Setup = == Template == {{Install Package|package= redsocks }} == VM Setup == '''1.''' Create a VM sys-proxy with checked provides network based on Debian {{Stable project version based on Debian version short}} Template. '''2.''' Create a VM anon-proxy which uses net qube: sys-proxy. == sys-proxy Setup == === redsocks Configuration === In sys-proxy. file: ~/redsocks.conf
base {
	// debug: connection progress & client list on SIGUSR1
	log_debug = off;

	// info: start and end of client session
	log_info = on;

	/* possible `log' values are:
	 *   stderr
	 *   "file:/path/to/file"
	 *   syslog:FACILITY  facility is any of "daemon", "local0"..."local7"
	log = "syslog:daemon";

	// detach from console
	daemon = on;

	/* Change uid, gid and root directory, these options require root
	 * privileges on startup.
	 * Note, your chroot may requre /etc/localtime if you write log to syslog.
	 * Log is opened before chroot & uid changing.
	user = redsocks;
	group = redsocks;
	// chroot = "/var/chroot";

	/* possible `redirector' values are:
	 *   iptables   - for Linux
	 *   ipf        - for FreeBSD
	 *   pf         - for OpenBSD
	 *   generic    - some generic redirector that MAY work
	redirector = iptables;

redsocks {
	/* `local_ip' defaults to for security reasons,
	 * use if you want to listen on every interface.
	 * `local_*' are used as port to redirect to.
	// local_ip =;
	local_ip =;
	local_port = 12345;

	// `ip' and `port' are IP and tcp-port of proxy-server
	// You can also use hostname instead of IP, only one (random)
	// address of multihomed host will be used.
	ip =;
	port = 9050;
	// known types: socks4, socks5, http-connect, http-relay
	type = socks5;
	// login = "username";
	// password = "password";

redudp {
	// `local_ip' should not be as it's also used for outgoing
	// packets that are sent as replies - and it should be fixed
	// if we want NAT to work properly.
	// local_ip =;
	local_ip =;
	local_port = 10053;

	// `ip' and `port' of socks5 proxy server.
	ip =;
	port = 9050;
	// login = "username";
	// password = "password";

	// kernel does not give us this information, so we have to duplicate it
	// in both iptables rules and configuration file.  By the way, you can
	// set `local_ip' to if you need more than 65535 ports to
	// forward ;-)
	// This limitation may be relaxed in future versions using contrack-tools.
	dest_ip =;
	dest_port = 53;

	udp_timeout = 30;
	udp_timeout_stream = 180;

dnstc {
	// fake and really dumb DNS server that returns "truncated answer" to
	// every query via UDP, RFC-compliant resolver should repeat same query
	// via TCP in this case.
	// local_ip =;
	local_ip =;
	local_port = 5300;

// you can add more `redsocks' and `redudp' sections if you need.
=== Script === In sys-proxy. file: ~/firewall

set -x
set -e

sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1
sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.all.forwarding=0

ls /home/user/redsocks.conf /etc/redsocks.conf
cp /home/user/redsocks.conf /etc/redsocks.conf
systemctl --no-pager --full restart redsocks
systemctl --no-pager --full status redsocks

echo "options use-vc
nameserver" | tee /etc/resolv.conf

[ -n "$iptables_cmd" ] || iptables_cmd="iptables --wait"
[ -n "$ip6tables_cmd" ] || ip6tables_cmd="ip6tables --wait"

$iptables_cmd -P INPUT DROP
$iptables_cmd -P FORWARD DROP
$iptables_cmd -P OUTPUT DROP

## Flush old rules.
$iptables_cmd -F
$iptables_cmd -X
$iptables_cmd -t nat -F
$iptables_cmd -t nat -X
$iptables_cmd -t mangle -F
$iptables_cmd -t mangle -X

## Allow unlimited traffic on the loopback interface.
$iptables_cmd -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT
$iptables_cmd -A OUTPUT -o lo -j ACCEPT
$iptables_cmd -A OUTPUT --dst -j ACCEPT

## Established incoming connections are accepted.
$iptables_cmd -A INPUT -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT

## Established outgoing connections are accepted.
$iptables_cmd -A OUTPUT -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT

#$iptables_cmd -A OUTPUT --dst -p udp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT
#$iptables_cmd -A OUTPUT --dst -p tcp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT

$iptables_cmd -t nat -A OUTPUT --dst -p udp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT
$iptables_cmd -t nat -A OUTPUT --dst -p tcp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT

## redsocks must be allowed to establish direct connections.
$iptables_cmd -A OUTPUT -j ACCEPT -m owner --uid-owner redsocks
$iptables_cmd -t nat -A OUTPUT -j ACCEPT -m owner --uid-owner redsocks

## Used Tor in absence of a stable proxy for testing purposes.
#$iptables_cmd -A OUTPUT -j ACCEPT -m owner --uid-owner debian-tor
#$iptables_cmd -t nat -A OUTPUT -j ACCEPT -m owner --uid-owner debian-tor

## redsocks dnstc
$iptables_cmd -t nat -A OUTPUT -p udp --dport 53 -j REDIRECT --to-port 5300

## redsocks redudp
$iptables_cmd -t nat -A OUTPUT -p udp -j REDIRECT --to-port 10053

## redsocks redsocks
$iptables_cmd -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp -j REDIRECT --to-port 12345

$iptables_cmd -A INPUT -i vif+ -j ACCEPT

## Best not interering with DNS resolution from anon-proxy VM.
## redsocks dnstc
## This fixes "nslookup google.com" when the "proxy is Tor".
#$iptables_cmd -t nat -A PREROUTING -i vif+ -p udp --dport 53 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 5300
## redsocks redudp
#$iptables_cmd -t nat -A PREROUTING -i vif+ -p udp -j REDIRECT --to-ports 10053
## Would it make sense to set up a DNS server in sys-proxy?
#$iptables_cmd -t nat -A PREROUTING -i vif+ -p tcp --dport 53 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 53

## redsocks redsocks
$iptables_cmd -t nat -A PREROUTING -i vif+ -p tcp --syn -j REDIRECT --to-ports 12345

## Log blocked traffic for debugging.
$iptables_cmd -A INPUT -j LOG --log-level 4 --log-prefix "iptables blocked input: "
$iptables_cmd -A OUTPUT -j LOG --log-level 4 --log-prefix "iptables blocked output: "
$iptables_cmd -A FORWARD -j LOG --log-level 4 --log-prefix "iptables blocked forward: "

## Reject all other traffic.
$iptables_cmd -A OUTPUT -j REJECT

cat /etc/resolv.conf
{{CodeSelect|code= chmod +x ~/firewall }} === Start === In sys-proxy. {{CodeSelect|code= sudo ~/firewall }} == anon-proxy VM setup == In anon-proxy VM. {{Open with root rights|filename= /etc/resolv.conf }} Public DNS server. Warning: this example uses cloudflare. {{CodeSelect|code= options use-vc nameserver ## alternative: Google #nameserver }} = Tests = TCP test: {{CodeSelect|code= curl -H 'Host: check.torproject.org' -k https://{{Check.torproject.org IP}}/api/ip }} TCP + DNS test: {{CodeSelect|code= curl https://check.torproject.org/api/ip }} DNS test: {{CodeSelect|code= nslookup check.torproject.org }} = Leak Testing = When running sudo systemctl stop tor in sys-proxy, TCP test, TCP + DNS test, as well as DNS test will be dysfuctional. = Footnotes = {{reflist|close=1}} {{Footer}} [[Category:Documentation]]