diffGeneAnalysis 1.26.0 Choudary Jagarlamudi
Bioconductor Changelog | Snapshot Date: 2009-10-20 11:27:33 -0700 (Tue, 20 Oct 2009) | URL: https://hedgehog.fhcrc.org/bioconductor/branches/RELEASE_2_4/madman/Rpacks/diffGeneAnalysis | Last Changed Rev: 39013 / Revision: 42512 | Last Changed Date: 2009-04-20 16:24:12 -0700 (Mon, 20 Apr 2009) |
| wilson1 | Linux (openSUSE 11.1) / x86_64 | OK | OK | |
liverpool | Windows Server 2003 R2 (32-bit) / x64 | OK | OK | OK |
pitt | Mac OS X Tiger (10.4.11) / i386 | OK | OK | [ OK ] |
pelham | Mac OS X Leopard (10.5.8) / i386 | OK | OK | OK |
INSTALLATION WITH 'R CMD INSTALL --preclean --library=diffGeneAnalysis.buildbin-libdir diffGeneAnalysis_1.26.0.tar.gz'
* Installing *source* package ‘diffGeneAnalysis’ ...
** R
** data
** inst
** preparing package for lazy loading
This product includes software developed by the University of Chicago, as
Operator of Argonne National Laboratory.
See the LICENSE file distributed with the minpack.lm source code or
http://www.netlib.org/minpack/disclaimer for the full license.
** help
*** installing help indices
>>> Building/Updating help pages for package 'diffGeneAnalysis'
Formats: text html latex example
assocAnalysis text html latex example
biasAdjust text html latex example
curveFit text html latex example
dataTrim text html latex example
normalize text html latex example
rawdata text html latex example
refGroup text html latex example
** building package indices ...
* DONE (diffGeneAnalysis)