tkWidgets 1.22.0 J. Zhang
Bioconductor Changelog | Snapshot Date: 2009-10-20 11:27:33 -0700 (Tue, 20 Oct 2009) | URL: | Last Changed Rev: 39013 / Revision: 42512 | Last Changed Date: 2009-04-20 16:24:12 -0700 (Mon, 20 Apr 2009) |
| wilson1 | Linux (openSUSE 11.1) / x86_64 | OK | OK | |
liverpool | Windows Server 2003 R2 (32-bit) / x64 | [ OK ] | OK | OK |
pitt | Mac OS X Tiger (10.4.11) / i386 | OK | OK | OK |
pelham | Mac OS X Leopard (10.5.8) / i386 | OK | OK | OK |
* checking for file 'tkWidgets/DESCRIPTION' ... OK
* preparing 'tkWidgets':
* checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK
* installing the package to re-build vignettes
* Installing *source* package 'tkWidgets' ...
** R
** inst
** preparing package for lazy loading
Loading required package: tcltk
Loading Tcl/Tk interface ... done
Loading required package: Biobase
Welcome to Bioconductor
Vignettes contain introductory material. To view, type
'openVignette()'. To cite Bioconductor, see
'citation("Biobase")' and for packages 'citation(pkgname)'.
** help
*** installing help indices
>>> Building/Updating help pages for package 'tkWidgets'
Formats: text html latex example chm
DPExplorer text html latex example chm
WName text html latex example chm
appendSepDir text html latex example chm
args2XML text html latex example chm
argsWidget text html latex example chm
colInfo-class text html latex example chm
dataViewer text html latex example chm
dbArgsWidget text html latex example chm
eExplorer text html latex example chm
fileBrowser text html latex example chm
fileWizard text html latex example chm
getLightTW text html latex example chm
getWvalues text html latex example chm
guess.sep text html latex example chm
hasChar text html latex example chm
importPhenoData text html latex example chm
importWizard text html latex example chm
listSelect text html latex example chm
objNameToList text html latex example chm
objViewer text html latex example chm
objectBrowser text html latex example chm
pExplorer text html latex example chm
pickFiles text html latex example chm
pickItems text html latex example chm
pickObjs text html latex example chm
setArgsList text html latex example chm
stdType text html latex example chm
tkMIAME text html latex chm
tkSampleNames text html latex chm
tkphenoData text html latex chm
vExplorer text html latex example chm
values.Widget text html latex example chm
widgetRender text html latex example chm
Microsoft HTML Help Compiler 4.74.8702
Compiling e:\biocbld\bbs-2.4-bioc\meat\tkWidgets\chm\tkWidgets.chm
Compile time: 0 minutes, 1 second
34 Topics
328 Local links
4 Internet links
1 Graphic
Created e:\biocbld\bbs-2.4-bioc\meat\tkWidgets\chm\tkWidgets.chm, 71,530 bytes
Compression decreased file by 105,141 bytes.
** building package indices ...
** MD5 sums
* DONE (tkWidgets)
* creating vignettes ... OK
* removing junk files
* checking for LF line-endings in source and make files
* checking for empty or unneeded directories
* building 'tkWidgets_1.22.0.tar.gz'