VanillaICE 1.10.0 Robert Scharpf
Snapshot Date: 2010-10-04 11:22:20 -0700 (Mon, 04 Oct 2010) | URL: | Last Changed Rev: 46401 / Revision: 49923 | Last Changed Date: 2010-04-22 11:21:23 -0700 (Thu, 22 Apr 2010) |
| wilson1 | Linux (openSUSE 11.1) / x86_64 | OK | OK | |
liverpool | Windows Server 2003 R2 (32-bit) / x64 | OK | OK | OK |
gewurz | Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise (64-bit) / x64 | OK | [ OK ] | OK |
pelham | Mac OS X Leopard (10.5.8) / i386 | OK | OK | OK |
* checking for working pdflatex ... OK
* using log directory 'D:/biocbld/bbs-2.6-bioc/meat/VanillaICE.Rcheck'
* using R version 2.11.1 (2010-05-31)
* using session charset: ISO8859-1
* using option '--no-vignettes'
* checking for file 'VanillaICE/DESCRIPTION' ... OK
* this is package 'VanillaICE' version '1.10.0'
* checking package name space information ... OK
* checking package dependencies ... OK
* checking if this is a source package ... OK
* checking whether package 'VanillaICE' can be installed ... OK
* checking package directory ... OK
* checking for portable file names ... OK
* checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK
* checking top-level files ... OK
* checking index information ... OK
* checking package subdirectories ... OK
* checking R files for non-ASCII characters ... OK
* checking R files for syntax errors ... OK
* checking whether the package can be loaded ... OK
* checking whether the package can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK
* checking whether the package can be unloaded cleanly ... OK
* checking whether the name space can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK
* checking whether the name space can be unloaded cleanly ... OK
* checking for unstated dependencies in R code ... OK
* checking S3 generic/method consistency ... OK
* checking replacement functions ... OK
* checking foreign function calls ... OK
* checking R code for possible problems ... NOTE
getEmission.nps: no visible global function definition for 'getParam'
getEmission.snps: no visible global function definition for 'getParam'
* checking Rd files ... NOTE
prepare_Rd: hmm.Rd:51-53: Dropping empty section \details
prepare_Rd: hmm.setup.Rd:178-180: Dropping empty section \value
prepare_Rd: hmm.setup.Rd:188-189: Dropping empty section \examples
* checking Rd metadata ... OK
* checking Rd cross-references ... OK
* checking for missing documentation entries ... OK
* checking for code/documentation mismatches ... OK
* checking Rd \usage sections ... OK
* checking Rd contents ... OK
* checking data for non-ASCII characters ... OK
* checking line endings in C/C++/Fortran sources/headers ... OK
* checking line endings in Makefiles ... OK
* checking for portable compilation flags in Makevars ... OK
* checking for portable use of $BLAS_LIBS ... OK
* checking examples ... OK
* checking package vignettes in 'inst/doc' ... SKIPPED
* checking PDF version of manual ... OK
* install options are ' --no-html'
* installing *source* package 'VanillaICE' ...
** libs
making DLL ...
x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -I"D:/biocbld/bbs-2.6-bioc/R/include" -O2 -Wall -std=gnu99 -c viterbi.c -o viterbi.o
viterbi.c: In function 'viterbi':
viterbi.c:61: warning: unused variable 'tp'
x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -shared -s -static-libgcc -o VanillaICE.dll tmp.def viterbi.o -lm -LD:/biocbld/bbs-2.6-bioc/R/bin -lR
installing to D:/biocbld/bbs-2.6-bioc/meat/VanillaICE.Rcheck/VanillaICE/libs/x64
... done
** R
** data
** inst
** preparing package for lazy loading
Loading required package: Biobase
Welcome to Bioconductor
Vignettes contain introductory material. To view, type
'openVignette()'. To cite Bioconductor, see
'citation("Biobase")' and for packages 'citation(pkgname)'.
Loading required package: oligoClasses
Welcome to oligoClasses version 1.10.0
Large dataset support for 'oligo/crlmm': Disabled
- Load 'ff'
Parallel computing support for 'oligo/crlmm': Disabled
- Load 'ff'
- Load 'snow'
- Use options(cluster=makeCluster(...))
Loading package bit1.1-6
package:bit (c) 2008/2009 Jens Oehlschlaegel (GPL-2)
creators: bit bitwhich
coercion: as.logical as.integer as.bit as.bitwhich which
operator: ! & | xor != ==
querying: print length any all min max range sum summary
bit access: length<- [ [<- [[ [[<-
for more help type ?bit
Loading package ff2.2-0
- getOption("fftempdir")=="D:/biocbld/bbs-2.6-bioc/tmpdir/RtmpTu7czb"
- getOption("ffextension")=="ff"
- getOption("ffdrop")==TRUE
- getOption("fffinonexit")==TRUE
- getOption("ffpagesize")==65536
- getOption("ffcaching")=="mmnoflush" -- consider "ffeachflush" if your system stalls on large writes
- getOption("ffbatchbytes")==42928701.44 -- consider a different value for tuning your system
- getOption("ffmaxbytes")==2146435072 -- consider a different value for tuning your system
Welcome to crlmm version 1.6.6
Attaching package: 'IRanges'
The following object(s) are masked from 'package:Biobase':
The following object(s) are masked from 'package:base':
Map, cbind, mapply, order, paste, pmax,, pmin,,
rbind,, table
** help
*** installing help indices
** building package indices ...
** testing if installed package can be loaded
Welcome to VanillaICE version 1.10.0
* DONE (VanillaICE)