Back to Multiple platform build/check report for BioC 3.17

This page was generated on 2023-04-12 10:55:32 -0400 (Wed, 12 Apr 2023).

HostnameOSArch (*)R versionInstalled pkgs
nebbiolo1Linux (Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS)x86_644.3.0 alpha (2023-04-03 r84154) 4547
nebbiolo2Linux (Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS)x86_64R Under development (unstable) (2023-02-14 r83833) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" 4333
Click on any hostname to see more info about the system (e.g. compilers)      (*) as reported by 'uname -p', except on Windows and Mac OS X

CHECK results for treeio on nebbiolo1

To the developers/maintainers of the treeio package:
- Allow up to 24 hours (and sometimes 48 hours) for your latest push to to reflect on this report. See Troubleshooting Build Report for more information.

- Use the following Renviron settings to reproduce errors and warnings.

Note: If "R CMD check" recently failed on the Linux builder over a missing dependency, add the missing dependency to "Suggests" in your DESCRIPTION file. See the Renviron.bioc for details.

raw results

Package 2113/2207HostnameOS / ArchINSTALLBUILDCHECKBUILD BIN
treeio 1.23.1  (landing page)
Guangchuang Yu
Snapshot Date: 2023-04-11 14:00:16 -0400 (Tue, 11 Apr 2023)
git_branch: devel
git_last_commit: 2f756cb
git_last_commit_date: 2023-03-01 21:07:58 -0400 (Wed, 01 Mar 2023)
nebbiolo1Linux (Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS) / x86_64  OK    OK    OK  
nebbiolo2Linux (Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS) / x86_64  OK    OK    OK  


Package: treeio
Version: 1.23.1
Command: /home/biocbuild/bbs-3.17-bioc/R/bin/R CMD check --install=check:treeio.install-out.txt --library=/home/biocbuild/bbs-3.17-bioc/R/site-library --timings treeio_1.23.1.tar.gz
StartedAt: 2023-04-12 00:12:52 -0400 (Wed, 12 Apr 2023)
EndedAt: 2023-04-12 00:13:44 -0400 (Wed, 12 Apr 2023)
EllapsedTime: 52.0 seconds
RetCode: 0
Status:   OK  
CheckDir: treeio.Rcheck
Warnings: 0

Command output

### Running command:
###   /home/biocbuild/bbs-3.17-bioc/R/bin/R CMD check --install=check:treeio.install-out.txt --library=/home/biocbuild/bbs-3.17-bioc/R/site-library --timings treeio_1.23.1.tar.gz

* using log directory ‘/home/biocbuild/bbs-3.17-bioc/meat/treeio.Rcheck’
* using R version 4.3.0 alpha (2023-04-03 r84154)
* using platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
* R was compiled by
    gcc (Ubuntu 11.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) 11.3.0
    GNU Fortran (Ubuntu 11.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) 11.3.0
* running under: Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS
* using session charset: UTF-8
* checking for file ‘treeio/DESCRIPTION’ ... OK
* this is package ‘treeio’ version ‘1.23.1’
* package encoding: UTF-8
* checking package namespace information ... OK
* checking package dependencies ... OK
* checking if this is a source package ... OK
* checking if there is a namespace ... OK
* checking for hidden files and directories ... OK
* checking for portable file names ... OK
* checking for sufficient/correct file permissions ... OK
* checking whether package ‘treeio’ can be installed ... OK
* checking installed package size ... OK
* checking package directory ... OK
* checking ‘build’ directory ... OK
* checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK
* checking top-level files ... OK
* checking for left-over files ... OK
* checking index information ... OK
* checking package subdirectories ... OK
* checking R files for non-ASCII characters ... OK
* checking R files for syntax errors ... OK
* checking whether the package can be loaded ... OK
* checking whether the package can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK
* checking whether the package can be unloaded cleanly ... OK
* checking whether the namespace can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK
* checking whether the namespace can be unloaded cleanly ... OK
* checking loading without being on the library search path ... OK
* checking startup messages can be suppressed ... OK
* checking dependencies in R code ... OK
* checking S3 generic/method consistency ... OK
* checking replacement functions ... OK
* checking foreign function calls ... OK
* checking R code for possible problems ... OK
* checking Rd files ... OK
* checking Rd metadata ... OK
* checking Rd cross-references ... OK
* checking for missing documentation entries ... OK
* checking for code/documentation mismatches ... OK
* checking Rd \usage sections ... OK
* checking Rd contents ... OK
* checking for unstated dependencies in examples ... OK
* checking files in ‘vignettes’ ... OK
* checking examples ... OK
* checking for unstated dependencies in ‘tests’ ... OK
* checking tests ...
  Running ‘testthat.R’
* checking for unstated dependencies in vignettes ... OK
* checking package vignettes in ‘inst/doc’ ... OK
* checking running R code from vignettes ...
  ‘treeio.Rmd’ using ‘UTF-8’... OK
* checking re-building of vignette outputs ... OK
* checking PDF version of manual ... OK

Status: OK

Installation output


### Running command:
###   /home/biocbuild/bbs-3.17-bioc/R/bin/R CMD INSTALL treeio

* installing to library ‘/home/biocbuild/bbs-3.17-bioc/R/site-library’
* installing *source* package ‘treeio’ ...
** using staged installation
** R
** inst
** byte-compile and prepare package for lazy loading
** help
*** installing help indices
*** copying figures
** building package indices
** installing vignettes
** testing if installed package can be loaded from temporary location
** testing if installed package can be loaded from final location
** testing if installed package keeps a record of temporary installation path
* DONE (treeio)

Tests output


R version 4.3.0 alpha (2023-04-03 r84154)
Copyright (C) 2023 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)

R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details.

R is a collaborative project with many contributors.
Type 'contributors()' for more information and
'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications.

Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or
'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help.
Type 'q()' to quit R.

> library(testthat)
> library(treeio)
treeio v1.23.1 For help:

If you use the ggtree package suite in published research, please cite
the appropriate paper(s):

LG Wang, TTY Lam, S Xu, Z Dai, L Zhou, T Feng, P Guo, CW Dunn, BR
Jones, T Bradley, H Zhu, Y Guan, Y Jiang, G Yu. treeio: an R package
for phylogenetic tree input and output with richly annotated and
associated data. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 2020, 37(2):599-603.
doi: 10.1093/molbev/msz240

Guangchuang Yu.  Data Integration, Manipulation and Visualization of
Phylogenetic Trees (1st edition). Chapman and Hall/CRC. 2022,

S Xu, Z Dai, P Guo, X Fu, S Liu, L Zhou, W Tang, T Feng, M Chen, L
Zhan, T Wu, E Hu, Y Jiang, X Bo, G Yu. ggtreeExtra: Compact
visualization of richly annotated phylogenetic data. Molecular Biology
and Evolution. 2021, 38(9):4039-4042. doi: 10.1093/molbev/msab166
> test_check("treeio")
	"tree": "(K:0.081785{11},N:0.062341{14},(D:0.082021{4},(L:0.005508{12},(J:0.013996{10},(G:0.045746{7},((C:0.02773{3},(E:0.031104{5},O:0.048389{15})23:0.008328{23})22:0.015959{22},(H:0.021007{8},(I:0.014739{9},(B:0.031643{2},(A:0.01034{1},(F:0.006649{6},M:0.009195{13})28:0.028303{28})27:0.008072{27})26:0.0035{26})25:0.020359{25})24:0.000555{24})21:0.023675{21})20:0.045745{20})19:0.014684{19})18:0.059308{18})17:0.231628{17})16{16};",
    "edge_num": 1,
    "subs": "C214T / G294T / T966C / C1641T / A1808G / C1941T / C2070T",
    "AA_subs": "K603R",
    "t": 0.01,
    "N": 1514.9,
    "S": 633.1,
    "dN_vs_dS": 0.0646,
    "dN": 0.0007,
    "dS": 0.0101,
    "N_x_dN": 1,
    "S_x_dS": 6.4
    "edge_num": 2,
    "subs": "C222T / G555A / C732A / C828T / G939T / T999C / A1047G / G1083A / C1263T / G1329A / A1341G / A1344T / T1405C / T1440C / C1752T / A1827G / C1911T / C1941T / G2013A / T2022C / C2043T",
    "AA_subs": "",
    "t": 0.032,
    "N": 1514.9,
    "S": 633.1,
    "dN_vs_dS": 0.0001,
    "dN": 0,
    "dS": 0.0358,
    "N_x_dN": 0,
    "S_x_dS": 22.7
    "edge_num": 3,
    "subs": "A204G / C222T / G504A / A815G / C891T / G1023T / T1061C / G1101A / G1176A / C1299T / C1545T / C1584T / T1626C / A1668G / G1878A / G1884T / C1944T / A1947G",
    "AA_subs": "N272S / I354T",
    "t": 0.028,
    "N": 1514.9,
    "S": 633.1,
    "dN_vs_dS": 0.0461,
    "dN": 0.0013,
    "dS": 0.0282,
    "N_x_dN": 2,
    "S_x_dS": 17.9
    "edge_num": 4,
    "subs": "A111G / A168G / T211C / A213G / T214C / G243A / A311G / T315A / G369A / G423A / A477C / G504A / G555A / G585A / C621T / C636T / A768G / T771C / G774A / T780C / C825T / A867G / A870G / G885A / C888T / G897A / C987T / C1006T / G1017A / A1047G / C1062T / A1146T / G1197A / A1230G / A1281G / T1365C / C1392T / T1439C / A1443G / T1512C / T1530C / T1539C / T1560C / A1608G / G1671A / G1689A / G1695A / A1761G / T1776C / T1787C / A1914G / G2052A",
    "AA_subs": "K104R / F105L / E382D / F480S / I596T",
    "t": 0.082,
    "N": 1514.9,
    "S": 633.1,
    "dN_vs_dS": 0.0385,
    "dN": 0.0033,
    "dS": 0.0849,
    "N_x_dN": 5,
    "S_x_dS": 53.8
    "edge_num": 5,
    "subs": "C174T / G243A / G321A / A622T / T831C / A894G / G948T / C960T / A984G / C1041T / G1135A / T1215C / T1249C / A1401G / T1527A / T1594C / A1826G / A1848G / T1950C / G1986A",
    "AA_subs": "T208S / V379I / K609R",
    "t": 0.031,
    "N": 1514.9,
    "S": 633.1,
    "dN_vs_dS": 0.0641,
    "dN": 0.002,
    "dS": 0.0305,
    "N_x_dN": 3,
    "S_x_dS": 19.3
    "edge_num": 6,
    "subs": "T829C / C1353T / A1443G / T1548C / C1645A",
    "AA_subs": "S277P / L549I",
    "t": 0.007,
    "N": 1514.9,
    "S": 633.1,
    "dN_vs_dS": 0.298,
    "dN": 0.0013,
    "dS": 0.0044,
    "N_x_dN": 2,
    "S_x_dS": 2.8
    "edge_num": 7,
    "subs": "A5T / A69G / G106T / C156T / C237T / G295A / G301C / A337C / A342G / G423T / G426T / C501T / C582T / T654C / G774A / G819C / G885T / C889T / G903A / G1191A / A1194G / A1248G / G1287A / T1405C / G1455T / C1467T / T1620C / A1674G / G1689T / T1956A",
    "AA_subs": "E2V / A36S / G99R / E101Q / K113Q / E141D / K142N / H297Y / M485I",
    "t": 0.046,
    "N": 1514.9,
    "S": 633.1,
    "dN_vs_dS": 0.1621,
    "dN": 0.006,
    "dS": 0.0373,
    "N_x_dN": 9.2,
    "S_x_dS": 23.6
    "edge_num": 8,
    "subs": "A112G / C132A / G498A / G774T / A792C / T1002C / G1020A / A1230G / A1326G / G1350T / T1527A / G1638A / C1709T / C1803A / G2103A",
    "AA_subs": "I38V / E258D / T570I",
    "t": 0.021,
    "N": 1514.9,
    "S": 633.1,
    "dN_vs_dS": 0.1028,
    "dN": 0.002,
    "dS": 0.0191,
    "N_x_dN": 3,
    "S_x_dS": 12.1
    "edge_num": 9,
    "subs": "T211C / C582T / C891T / A894G / G1083A / G1116A / C1299T / C1374T / T1530C / G1878A",
    "AA_subs": "",
    "t": 0.015,
    "N": 1514.9,
    "S": 633.1,
    "dN_vs_dS": 0.0001,
    "dN": 0,
    "dS": 0.0167,
    "N_x_dN": 0,
    "S_x_dS": 10.6
    "edge_num": 10,
    "subs": "G295A / A618G / A783C / C996T / G1593A / A1845G / C1944T / T1980A / C2040T",
    "AA_subs": "G99R",
    "t": 0.014,
    "N": 1514.9,
    "S": 633.1,
    "dN_vs_dS": 0.0457,
    "dN": 0.0007,
    "dS": 0.0143,
    "N_x_dN": 1,
    "S_x_dS": 9
    "edge_num": 11,
    "subs": "G96A / T279C / C282T / G297A / C303T / C318A / C333T / C336T / A417G / G420A / A477G / T486C / C513A / G525A / C762T / A777T / G840A / T861C / C864T / C888T / A912G / C945T / C993T / A1053G / G1159A / T1188C / A1194G / G1197A / A1219G / C1233T / T1249C / G1294A / G1308A / A1326G / G1407A / G1470A / G1482A / T1512C / T1581C / T1623C / C1641T / C1665T / G1722A / A1761G / T1800C / A1827G / G1887A / A1920G / C1921T / A1929G / C2143T",
    "AA_subs": "V387I / I407V / V432I",
    "t": 0.082,
    "N": 1514.9,
    "S": 633.1,
    "dN_vs_dS": 0.0224,
    "dN": 0.002,
    "dS": 0.0878,
    "N_x_dN": 3,
    "S_x_dS": 55.6
    "edge_num": 12,
    "subs": "G852T / G1020A / T1594C",
    "AA_subs": "",
    "t": 0.006,
    "N": 1514.9,
    "S": 633.1,
    "dN_vs_dS": 0.0001,
    "dN": 0,
    "dS": 0.0062,
    "N_x_dN": 0,
    "S_x_dS": 3.9
    "edge_num": 13,
    "subs": "G58A / G84A / A171T / G270A / C1680T / C1803T",
    "AA_subs": "A20T",
    "t": 0.009,
    "N": 1514.9,
    "S": 633.1,
    "dN_vs_dS": 0.0738,
    "dN": 0.0007,
    "dS": 0.0088,
    "N_x_dN": 1,
    "S_x_dS": 5.6
    "edge_num": 14,
    "subs": "A126G / A171G / T207C / G243A / T321A / A342G / G369A / C405T / C483T / G504A / A537G / C804T / G810A / G909A / G1098A / G1101A / A1131G / G1137A / T1227C / A1290G / G1329A / A1518G / A1521G / C1545T / C1603T / A1608G / T1626C / T1629C / C1647A / G1671A / C1719T / G1779A / A1881G / G1971A / G2028T / A2037G / C2043T",
    "AA_subs": "H535Y",
    "t": 0.062,
    "N": 1514.9,
    "S": 633.1,
    "dN_vs_dS": 0.0095,
    "dN": 0.0007,
    "dS": 0.0689,
    "N_x_dN": 1,
    "S_x_dS": 43.6
    "edge_num": 15,
    "subs": "C16A / G96A / C169A / A286C / A344G / C531T / A534C / G537A / A789T / T822A / G879A / A962T / C1005T / G1074A / A1090G / C1110T / A1125T / A1146G / C1164T / C1182T / G1239A / T1410C / T1413C / C1428T / C1473A / C1641T / T1764C / A1851G / T1932G / C1965A / A1983G / T2022C",
    "AA_subs": "N96H / N115S / N321I / S364G",
    "t": 0.048,
    "N": 1514.9,
    "S": 633.1,
    "dN_vs_dS": 0.0538,
    "dN": 0.0026,
    "dS": 0.0485,
    "N_x_dN": 4,
    "S_x_dS": 30.7
    "edge_num": 17,
    "subs": "T39C / T105C / C108A / T135C / T159C / T165C / G204A / G231A / C303G / G306A / T309C / C315T / T325C / A339G / A372G / T381C / T393C / G420C / T435C / A441T / G459A / C480T / T552C / C798T / T801C / G843A / C864G / C876T / A879G / G894A / A900G / T903G / A921G / G936A / T942C / C966T / G967A / A969C / A981G / C1002T / G1023A / C1035T / A1038G / A1068G / T1110C / T1119C / G1146A / C1149T / T1161C / A1170G / G1172A / A1191G / T1198C / T1200C / G1206A / A1254T / G1260A / T1263C / T1269A / C1293T / G1317A / T1320C / A1350G / T1356C / C1398T / C1404T / T1408C / G1410C / A1425G / C1440T / G1464A / G1491A / C1527T / C1542T / C1566T / A1572G / C1575T / T1584C / C1594T / G1599A / G1632A / A1638G / A1650G / G1653A / G1716A / C1734T / G1740A / G1746A / A1749C / A1773G / C1794T / G1797A / T1803C / G1815A / A1869G / C1872A / A1878G / G1902A / A1917C / G1935A / T1974C / A1986G / T1993C / T1998A / A2013G / C2022T / T2070C / C2088T / G2112A / A2147G",
    "AA_subs": "D101E / V323I / R391K / S400P / K716R",
    "t": 0.232,
    "N": 1514.9,
    "S": 633.1,
    "dN_vs_dS": 0.0129,
    "dN": 0.0033,
    "dS": 0.2541,
    "N_x_dN": 5,
    "S_x_dS": 160.9
    "edge_num": 18,
    "subs": "T144C / T182C / G187A / A210G / T237C / A294G / G297A / C318T / T321G / A540G / G783A / A785G / G814A / C948A / T1041C / A1059G / A1213T / C1215T / G1226A / C1245T / T1299C / C1405T / C1419T / G1470A / G1482A / G1500A / T1548C / C1557T / T1578C / C1605T / A1660G / C1764T / T1767C / G1791A / A1819T / T1899C",
    "AA_subs": "I61T / V63I / K262R / D272N / S405C / S409N / I554V / M607L",
    "t": 0.059,
    "N": 1514.9,
    "S": 633.1,
    "dN_vs_dS": 0.0964,
    "dN": 0.0053,
    "dS": 0.0545,
    "N_x_dN": 8,
    "S_x_dS": 34.5
    "edge_num": 19,
    "subs": "G147T / T492C / A537G / T771C / A1128G / A1347G / T1497C / G1563A / C1620T / A1716G",
    "AA_subs": "",
    "t": 0.015,
    "N": 1514.9,
    "S": 633.1,
    "dN_vs_dS": 0.0001,
    "dN": 0,
    "dS": 0.0166,
    "N_x_dN": 0,
    "S_x_dS": 10.5
    "edge_num": 20,
    "subs": "G109T / A183T / A213G / G366A / C370A / A399G / C408T / G411A / A462G / G585A / G597A / T798C / T891C / G1009A / A1023G / C1062T / G1098A / A1134G / G1163A / T1167C / T1179C / T1305C / G1308A / C1338T / T1557C / G1572A / T1800C / T1819C / G2052A / G2145A",
    "AA_subs": "A37S / A337T / S388N",
    "t": 0.046,
    "N": 1514.9,
    "S": 633.1,
    "dN_vs_dS": 0.0419,
    "dN": 0.002,
    "dS": 0.047,
    "N_x_dN": 3,
    "S_x_dS": 29.8
    "edge_num": 21,
    "subs": "C801T / A939G / A948G / G1026A / A1131G / A1267G / A1327C / G1344A / G1590A / C1686T / T1710C / G1869A / C1875T / C1893T / G2051A",
    "AA_subs": "I423V / G684E",
    "t": 0.024,
    "N": 1514.9,
    "S": 633.1,
    "dN_vs_dS": 0.0549,
    "dN": 0.0013,
    "dS": 0.0237,
    "N_x_dN": 2,
    "S_x_dS": 15
    "edge_num": 22,
    "subs": "T183C / G210A / C420A / C1006A / G1116A / G1137A / C1221T / T1254C / C1410T / C1437T / C1993T",
    "AA_subs": "L336M",
    "t": 0.016,
    "N": 1514.9,
    "S": 633.1,
    "dN_vs_dS": 0.0395,
    "dN": 0.0007,
    "dS": 0.0165,
    "N_x_dN": 1,
    "S_x_dS": 10.4
    "edge_num": 23,
    "subs": "T211C / T279C / G1134A / T1149C / C1179T / G1695T",
    "AA_subs": "",
    "t": 0.008,
    "N": 1514.9,
    "S": 633.1,
    "dN_vs_dS": 0.0001,
    "dN": 0,
    "dS": 0.0094,
    "N_x_dN": 0,
    "S_x_dS": 6
    "edge_num": 24,
    "subs": "",
    "AA_subs": "",
    "t": 0.001,
    "N": 1514.9,
    "S": 633.1,
    "dN_vs_dS": 0.0001,
    "dN": 0,
    "dS": 0.0006,
    "N_x_dN": 0,
    "S_x_dS": 0.4
    "edge_num": 25,
    "subs": "G96A / T162C / T214C / G303A / T318C / A366G / C390T / G498A / A1146G / G1425A / C1461T / G1677A / A1902G / A1959G",
    "AA_subs": "",
    "t": 0.02,
    "N": 1514.9,
    "S": 633.1,
    "dN_vs_dS": 0.0001,
    "dN": 0,
    "dS": 0.023,
    "N_x_dN": 0,
    "S_x_dS": 14.6
    "edge_num": 26,
    "subs": "G785A / A1067G / C1548T",
    "AA_subs": "R262K / K356R",
    "t": 0.003,
    "N": 1514.9,
    "S": 633.1,
    "dN_vs_dS": 1.5591,
    "dN": 0.0013,
    "dS": 0.0008,
    "N_x_dN": 2,
    "S_x_dS": 0.5
    "edge_num": 27,
    "subs": "C1168T / G1180A / A1242G / T1249C / T1257C",
    "AA_subs": "D394N",
    "t": 0.008,
    "N": 1514.9,
    "S": 633.1,
    "dN_vs_dS": 0.0863,
    "dN": 0.0007,
    "dS": 0.0076,
    "N_x_dN": 1,
    "S_x_dS": 4.8
    "edge_num": 28,
    "subs": "A21G / T186A / T211C / G294A / T299C / A348T / C438T / C444T / C582T / A744G / C771T / A785G / G786A / C1374T / C1467T / A1500G / A1869G / G1878A / C2043T",
    "AA_subs": "V100A / K262R",
    "t": 0.028,
    "N": 1514.9,
    "S": 633.1,
    "dN_vs_dS": 0.0453,
    "dN": 0.0013,
    "dS": 0.0289,
    "N_x_dN": 2,
    "S_x_dS": 18.3
	"metadata": {"info": "R-package treeio", "data": "Wed Apr 12 00:13:35 2023"}
[ FAIL 0 | WARN 7 | SKIP 0 | PASS 142 ]

[ FAIL 0 | WARN 7 | SKIP 0 | PASS 142 ]
> proc.time()
   user  system elapsed 
  7.483   0.260   7.736 

Example timings

