Back to Multiple platform build/check report for BioC 3.8 |
This page was generated on 2019-04-13 11:26:49 -0400 (Sat, 13 Apr 2019).
Package 929/1649 | Hostname | OS / Arch | INSTALL | BUILD | CHECK | BUILD BIN | ||||||
MetCirc 1.12.1 Thomas Naake
| malbec1 | Linux (Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS) / x86_64 | OK | OK | OK | |||||||
tokay1 | Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard / x64 | OK | OK | [ OK ] | OK | |||||||
merida1 | OS X 10.11.6 El Capitan / x86_64 | OK | OK | OK | OK |
Package: MetCirc |
Version: 1.12.1 |
Command: C:\Users\biocbuild\bbs-3.8-bioc\R\bin\R.exe CMD check --force-multiarch --install=check:MetCirc.install-out.txt --library=C:\Users\biocbuild\bbs-3.8-bioc\R\library --no-vignettes --timings MetCirc_1.12.1.tar.gz |
StartedAt: 2019-04-13 03:41:02 -0400 (Sat, 13 Apr 2019) |
EndedAt: 2019-04-13 03:44:14 -0400 (Sat, 13 Apr 2019) |
EllapsedTime: 192.2 seconds |
RetCode: 0 |
Status: OK |
CheckDir: MetCirc.Rcheck |
Warnings: 0 |
############################################################################## ############################################################################## ### ### Running command: ### ### C:\Users\biocbuild\bbs-3.8-bioc\R\bin\R.exe CMD check --force-multiarch --install=check:MetCirc.install-out.txt --library=C:\Users\biocbuild\bbs-3.8-bioc\R\library --no-vignettes --timings MetCirc_1.12.1.tar.gz ### ############################################################################## ############################################################################## * using log directory 'C:/Users/biocbuild/bbs-3.8-bioc/meat/MetCirc.Rcheck' * using R version 3.5.3 (2019-03-11) * using platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32 (64-bit) * using session charset: ISO8859-1 * using option '--no-vignettes' * checking for file 'MetCirc/DESCRIPTION' ... OK * checking extension type ... Package * this is package 'MetCirc' version '1.12.1' * checking package namespace information ... OK * checking package dependencies ...Warning: unable to access index for repository cannot open URL '' OK * checking if this is a source package ... OK * checking if there is a namespace ... OK * checking for hidden files and directories ... OK * checking for portable file names ... OK * checking whether package 'MetCirc' can be installed ... OK * checking installed package size ... OK * checking package directory ... OK * checking 'build' directory ... OK * checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK * checking top-level files ... OK * checking for left-over files ... OK * checking index information ... OK * checking package subdirectories ... OK * checking R files for non-ASCII characters ... OK * checking R files for syntax errors ... OK * loading checks for arch 'i386' ** checking whether the package can be loaded ... OK ** checking whether the package can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK ** checking whether the package can be unloaded cleanly ... OK ** checking whether the namespace can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK ** checking whether the namespace can be unloaded cleanly ... OK * loading checks for arch 'x64' ** checking whether the package can be loaded ... OK ** checking whether the package can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK ** checking whether the package can be unloaded cleanly ... OK ** checking whether the namespace can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK ** checking whether the namespace can be unloaded cleanly ... OK * checking dependencies in R code ... NOTE Unexported object imported by a ':::' call: '' See the note in ?`:::` about the use of this operator. * checking S3 generic/method consistency ... OK * checking replacement functions ... OK * checking foreign function calls ... OK * checking R code for possible problems ... OK * checking Rd files ... OK * checking Rd metadata ... OK * checking Rd cross-references ... OK * checking for missing documentation entries ... OK * checking for code/documentation mismatches ... OK * checking Rd \usage sections ... OK * checking Rd contents ... OK * checking for unstated dependencies in examples ... OK * checking contents of 'data' directory ... OK * checking data for non-ASCII characters ... OK * checking data for ASCII and uncompressed saves ... OK * checking files in 'vignettes' ... OK * checking examples ... ** running examples for arch 'i386' ... OK Examples with CPU or elapsed time > 5s user system elapsed allocatePrecursor2mz 6.97 0.09 7.07 ** running examples for arch 'x64' ... OK Examples with CPU or elapsed time > 5s user system elapsed allocatePrecursor2mz 5.77 0.11 5.88 * checking for unstated dependencies in 'tests' ... OK * checking tests ... ** running tests for arch 'i386' ... Running 'runTests.R' OK ** running tests for arch 'x64' ... Running 'runTests.R' OK * checking for unstated dependencies in vignettes ... OK * checking package vignettes in 'inst/doc' ... OK * checking running R code from vignettes ... SKIPPED * checking re-building of vignette outputs ... SKIPPED * checking PDF version of manual ... OK * DONE Status: 1 NOTE See 'C:/Users/biocbuild/bbs-3.8-bioc/meat/MetCirc.Rcheck/00check.log' for details.
############################################################################## ############################################################################## ### ### Running command: ### ### C:\cygwin\bin\curl.exe -O && rm -rf MetCirc.buildbin-libdir && mkdir MetCirc.buildbin-libdir && C:\Users\biocbuild\bbs-3.8-bioc\R\bin\R.exe CMD INSTALL --merge-multiarch --build --library=MetCirc.buildbin-libdir MetCirc_1.12.1.tar.gz && C:\Users\biocbuild\bbs-3.8-bioc\R\bin\R.exe CMD INSTALL && rm MetCirc_1.12.1.tar.gz ### ############################################################################## ############################################################################## % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 1578k 100 1578k 0 0 27.5M 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 29.6M install for i386 * installing *source* package 'MetCirc' ... ** R ** data ** inst ** byte-compile and prepare package for lazy loading ** help *** installing help indices converting help for package 'MetCirc' finding HTML links ... done MSP html NDP html adduct-set html adduct html allocatePrecursor2mz html binnedMSP html binning html cart2Polar html circosLegend html classes-set html classes html combine html compartmentTissue html convert2MSP html convertExampleDF html convertMSP2MSP html createLink0Matrix html createLinkMatrix html createOrderedSimMat html createSimilarityMatrix html cutLinkMatrix html cutUniquePrecursor html extract-methods html getBegEndIndMSP html getLinkMatrixIndices html getPrecursorMZ html getRT html highlight html idMSMStoMSP-data html information-set html information html length-method html minFragCart2Polar html msp2FunctionalLossesMSP html msp2msp html names-set html names html peaks html plotCircos html printInformationSelect html sd01_outputXCMS html sd02_deconvoluted html shinyCircos html show-method html similarityMat html thresholdLinkMatrix html tissue html truncateName html ** building package indices ** installing vignettes ** testing if installed package can be loaded In R CMD INSTALL install for x64 * installing *source* package 'MetCirc' ... ** testing if installed package can be loaded * MD5 sums packaged installation of 'MetCirc' as * DONE (MetCirc) In R CMD INSTALL In R CMD INSTALL * installing to library 'C:/Users/biocbuild/bbs-3.8-bioc/R/library' package 'MetCirc' successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked In R CMD INSTALL
MetCirc.Rcheck/tests_i386/runTests.Rout R version 3.5.3 (2019-03-11) -- "Great Truth" Copyright (C) 2019 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: i386-w64-mingw32/i386 (32-bit) R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > library(amap) > library(circlize) ======================================== circlize version 0.4.6 CRAN page: Github page: Documentation: If you use it in published research, please cite: Gu, Z. circlize implements and enhances circular visualization in R. Bioinformatics 2014. ======================================== > library(scales) > library(shiny) > > data("sd01_outputXCMS", package = "MetCirc") > data("sd02_deconvoluted", package = "MetCirc") > data("binnedMSP", package = "MetCirc") > data("similarityMat", package = "MetCirc") > > BiocGenerics:::testPackage("MetCirc") [1] "13" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "15" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "16" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "20" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "21" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "23" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "24" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "25" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "26" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "27" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "28" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "29" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "30" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "31" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "32" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "44" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "45" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "46" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "47" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "48" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "49" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "50" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "51" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "52" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "53" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "54" [2] "Deviation of m/z is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't truncate the kNN." [1] "54" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "55" [2] "Deviation of m/z is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't truncate the kNN." [1] "55" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "56" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "59" [2] "Deviation of m/z is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't truncate the kNN." [1] "59" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "60" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "61" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "62" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "63" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "64" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "65" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "66" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "67" [2] "Deviation of m/z is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't truncate the kNN." [1] "67" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "68" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "71" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "72" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "73" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "74" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "75" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "76" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "77" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "78" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "79" [2] "Deviation of m/z is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't truncate the kNN." [1] "79" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "80" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "81" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "82" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "83" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "84" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "85" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "86" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "89" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "90" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "91" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "92" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "93" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "94" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "95" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "96" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "97" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "98" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "99" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "100" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "101" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "102" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "103" [2] "Deviation of m/z is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't truncate the kNN." [1] "103" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "104" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "105" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "106" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "107" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "108" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "109" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "110" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "112" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "113" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "115" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "116" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "118" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "119" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "120" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "121" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "122" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "123" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "124" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "125" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "126" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "127" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "128" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "129" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "130" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "131" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "132" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "133" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "135" [2] "Deviation of m/z is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't truncate the kNN." [1] "136" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "137" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "138" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "139" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "140" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "141" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "142" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "143" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "144" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "145" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "146" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "147" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "150" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "151" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "152" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "153" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "154" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "155" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "156" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "157" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "158" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "159" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "160" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "161" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "162" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "163" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "164" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "165" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "166" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "167" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "168" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "169" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "170" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "171" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "172" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "173" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "174" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "175" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "176" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "177" [2] "Deviation of m/z is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't truncate the kNN." [1] "177" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "178" [2] "Deviation of m/z is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't truncate the kNN." [1] "178" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "179" [2] "Deviation of m/z is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't truncate the kNN." [1] "179" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "181" [2] "Deviation of m/z is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't truncate the kNN." [1] "182" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "183" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "184" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "185" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "186" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "187" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "188" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "190" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "191" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "192" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "193" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "194" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "195" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "196" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "197" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "198" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "199" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "200" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "201" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "202" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "203" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "204" [2] "Deviation of m/z is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't truncate the kNN." [1] "204" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "208" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "209" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "212" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "213" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "214" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "215" [2] "Deviation of m/z is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't truncate the kNN." [1] "215" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "216" [2] "Deviation of m/z is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't truncate the kNN." [1] "216" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "217" [2] "Deviation of m/z is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't truncate the kNN." [1] "217" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "218" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "219" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "222" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "223" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "225" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "226" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "227" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "228" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "229" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "230" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "231" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "232" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "233" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "234" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "235" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "237" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "238" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "240" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "241" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "242" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "243" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "244" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "245" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "246" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "248" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "249" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "250" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "251" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "252" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "254" [2] "Deviation of m/z is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't truncate the kNN." [1] "254" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "255" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "256" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "257" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "258" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "259" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "260" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "261" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "262" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "263" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "264" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "265" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "266" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "267" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "268" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "269" [2] "Deviation of m/z is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't truncate the kNN." [1] "269" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "270" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "271" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "272" [2] "Deviation of m/z is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't truncate the kNN." [1] "272" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "274" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "275" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "276" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "277" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "278" [2] "Deviation of m/z is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't truncate the kNN." [1] "278" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "279" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "280" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "281" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "282" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "283" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "284" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "285" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "286" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "287" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "288" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "289" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "290" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "291" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "292" [2] "Deviation of m/z is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't truncate the kNN." [1] "292" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "293" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "294" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "295" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "296" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "297" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "298" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "299" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "300" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "301" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "303" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "304" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "305" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "306" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "308" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "309" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "311" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "313" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "314" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "315" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "316" [2] "Deviation of m/z is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't truncate the kNN." [1] "316" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "317" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "318" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "319" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "320" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "321" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "322" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "323" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "324" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "325" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "326" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "327" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "328" [2] "Deviation of m/z is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't truncate the kNN." [1] "328" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "329" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "330" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "331" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "332" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "333" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "334" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "335" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "336" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "337" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "338" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "339" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "340" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "341" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "342" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "343" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "345" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "346" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "347" [2] "Deviation of m/z is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't truncate the kNN." [1] "347" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "348" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "349" [2] "Deviation of m/z is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't truncate the kNN." [1] "350" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "351" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "352" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "353" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "354" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "355" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "356" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "357" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "358" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "359" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "360" [2] "Deviation of m/z is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't truncate the kNN." [1] "360" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." An object of class MSP with 360 entries. RUNIT TEST PROTOCOL -- Sat Apr 13 03:43:51 2019 *********************************************** Number of test functions: 39 Number of errors: 0 Number of failures: 0 1 Test Suite : MetCirc RUnit Tests - 39 test functions, 0 errors, 0 failures Number of test functions: 39 Number of errors: 0 Number of failures: 0 Warning message: In warning_wrap("'' can only be modified before `circos.initialize`, or maybe you forgot to call `circos.clear` in your last plot.") : '' can only be modified before `circos.initialize`, or maybe you forgot to call `circos.clear` in your last plot. > > proc.time() user system elapsed 16.04 0.31 16.60 |
MetCirc.Rcheck/tests_x64/runTests.Rout R version 3.5.3 (2019-03-11) -- "Great Truth" Copyright (C) 2019 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit) R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > library(amap) > library(circlize) ======================================== circlize version 0.4.6 CRAN page: Github page: Documentation: If you use it in published research, please cite: Gu, Z. circlize implements and enhances circular visualization in R. Bioinformatics 2014. ======================================== > library(scales) > library(shiny) > > data("sd01_outputXCMS", package = "MetCirc") > data("sd02_deconvoluted", package = "MetCirc") > data("binnedMSP", package = "MetCirc") > data("similarityMat", package = "MetCirc") > > BiocGenerics:::testPackage("MetCirc") [1] "13" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "15" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "16" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "20" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "21" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "23" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "24" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "25" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "26" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "27" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "28" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "29" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "30" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "31" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "32" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "44" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "45" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "46" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "47" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "48" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "49" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "50" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "51" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "52" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "53" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "54" [2] "Deviation of m/z is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't truncate the kNN." [1] "54" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "55" [2] "Deviation of m/z is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't truncate the kNN." [1] "55" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "56" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "59" [2] "Deviation of m/z is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't truncate the kNN." [1] "59" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "60" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "61" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "62" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "63" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "64" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "65" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "66" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "67" [2] "Deviation of m/z is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't truncate the kNN." [1] "67" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "68" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "71" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "72" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "73" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "74" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "75" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "76" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "77" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "78" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "79" [2] "Deviation of m/z is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't truncate the kNN." [1] "79" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "80" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "81" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "82" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "83" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "84" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "85" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "86" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "89" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "90" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "91" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "92" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "93" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "94" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "95" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "96" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "97" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "98" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "99" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "100" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "101" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "102" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "103" [2] "Deviation of m/z is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't truncate the kNN." [1] "103" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "104" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "105" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "106" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "107" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "108" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "109" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "110" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "112" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "113" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "115" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "116" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "118" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "119" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "120" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "121" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "122" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "123" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "124" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "125" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "126" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "127" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "128" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "129" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "130" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "131" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "132" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "133" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "135" [2] "Deviation of m/z is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't truncate the kNN." [1] "136" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "137" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "138" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "139" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "140" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "141" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "142" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "143" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "144" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "145" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "146" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "147" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "150" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "151" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "152" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "153" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "154" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "155" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "156" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "157" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "158" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "159" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "160" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "161" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "162" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "163" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "164" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "165" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "166" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "167" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "168" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "169" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "170" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "171" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "172" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "173" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "174" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "175" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "176" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "177" [2] "Deviation of m/z is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't truncate the kNN." [1] "177" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "178" [2] "Deviation of m/z is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't truncate the kNN." [1] "178" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "179" [2] "Deviation of m/z is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't truncate the kNN." [1] "179" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "181" [2] "Deviation of m/z is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't truncate the kNN." [1] "182" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "183" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "184" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "185" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "186" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "187" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "188" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "190" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "191" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "192" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "193" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "194" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "195" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "196" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "197" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "198" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "199" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "200" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "201" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "202" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "203" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "204" [2] "Deviation of m/z is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't truncate the kNN." [1] "204" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "208" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "209" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "212" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "213" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "214" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "215" [2] "Deviation of m/z is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't truncate the kNN." [1] "215" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "216" [2] "Deviation of m/z is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't truncate the kNN." [1] "216" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "217" [2] "Deviation of m/z is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't truncate the kNN." [1] "217" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "218" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "219" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "222" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "223" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "225" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "226" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "227" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "228" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "229" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "230" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "231" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "232" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "233" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "234" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "235" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "237" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "238" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "240" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "241" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "242" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "243" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "244" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "245" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "246" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "248" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "249" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "250" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "251" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "252" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "254" [2] "Deviation of m/z is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't truncate the kNN." [1] "254" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "255" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "256" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "257" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "258" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "259" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "260" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "261" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "262" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "263" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "264" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "265" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "266" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "267" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "268" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "269" [2] "Deviation of m/z is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't truncate the kNN." [1] "269" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "270" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "271" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "272" [2] "Deviation of m/z is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't truncate the kNN." [1] "272" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "274" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "275" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "276" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "277" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "278" [2] "Deviation of m/z is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't truncate the kNN." [1] "278" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "279" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "280" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "281" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "282" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "283" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "284" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "285" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "286" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "287" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "288" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "289" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "290" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "291" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "292" [2] "Deviation of m/z is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't truncate the kNN." [1] "292" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "293" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "294" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "295" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "296" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "297" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "298" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "299" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "300" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "301" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "303" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "304" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "305" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "306" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "308" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "309" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "311" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "313" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "314" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "315" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "316" [2] "Deviation of m/z is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't truncate the kNN." [1] "316" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "317" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "318" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "319" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "320" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "321" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "322" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "323" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "324" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "325" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "326" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "327" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "328" [2] "Deviation of m/z is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't truncate the kNN." [1] "328" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "329" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "330" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "331" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "332" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "333" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "334" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "335" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "336" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "337" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "338" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "339" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "340" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "341" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "342" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "343" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "345" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "346" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "347" [2] "Deviation of m/z is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't truncate the kNN." [1] "347" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "348" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "349" [2] "Deviation of m/z is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't truncate the kNN." [1] "350" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "351" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "352" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "353" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "354" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "355" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "356" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "357" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "358" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "359" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." [1] "360" [2] "Deviation of m/z is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't truncate the kNN." [1] "360" [2] "Deviation of rt is greater than tolerance value. \n I won't use rt as a criterion." An object of class MSP with 360 entries. RUNIT TEST PROTOCOL -- Sat Apr 13 03:44:08 2019 *********************************************** Number of test functions: 39 Number of errors: 0 Number of failures: 0 1 Test Suite : MetCirc RUnit Tests - 39 test functions, 0 errors, 0 failures Number of test functions: 39 Number of errors: 0 Number of failures: 0 Warning message: In warning_wrap("'' can only be modified before `circos.initialize`, or maybe you forgot to call `circos.clear` in your last plot.") : '' can only be modified before `circos.initialize`, or maybe you forgot to call `circos.clear` in your last plot. > > proc.time() user system elapsed 16.54 0.18 16.71 |