Back to the "Multiple platform build/check report"




Elizabeth Whalen
Linux (SUSE 9.2) x86_64 OK  ERROR 
Linux (SUSE 9.2) i686 OK  ERROR 
Solaris 2.9 sparc OK  OK 
Linux (SUSE 10.0) x86_64 OK  ERROR 
Windows Server 2003 x86_64 ERROR skippedskipped
Windows XP i686[ ERROR ]skippedskipped
Mac OS X (10.4.6) i686 ERROR skipped
Package: iSPlot
Version: 1.7.8
Command: E:\hpages\1.9d\R\bin\R.exe CMD build iSPlot
RetCode: 1
Time: 8.0 seconds
Status: ERROR
PackageFile: None

Command output

* checking for file 'iSPlot/DESCRIPTION' ... OK
* preparing 'iSPlot':
* checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK
* installing the package to re-build vignettes
installing R.css in E:/hpages/1.9d/tmpdir/Rinst122027844

---------- Making package iSPlot ------------
  adding build stamp to DESCRIPTION
  installing NAMESPACE file and metadata
  installing R files
  save image
Loading required package: RGtk

Error: package 'RGtk' could not be loaded
In addition: Warning message:
there is no package called 'RGtk' in: library(pkg, character.only = TRUE, logical = TRUE, lib.loc = lib.loc) 
Execution halted
execution of package source for 'iSPlot' failed
make[2]: *** [E:/hpages/1.9d/tmpdir/Rinst122027844/iSPlot/R/iSPlot] Error 1
make[1]: *** [all] Error 2
make: *** [pkg-iSPlot] Error 2
*** Installation of iSPlot failed ***

Removing 'E:/hpages/1.9d/tmpdir/Rinst122027844/iSPlot'
Installation failed.
Removing 'E:/hpages/1.9d/tmpdir/Rinst122027844'