Back to the "Multiple platform build/check report"
Package 18/234 | Hostname | OS | Arch | BUILD | CHECK | BUILD BIN |
AnnotationDbi0.0.76Biocore TeamLast Changed Date: 2007-05-21 02:20:20 -0700 Last Changed Rev: 24871 | lamb1 | Linux (SUSE 10.1) | x86_64 | OK | ERROR | |
wellington | Linux (SUSE 9.2) | i686 | OK | ERROR | ||
churchill | Solaris 2.9 | sparc | OK | [ ERROR ] | ||
lemming | Windows Server 2003 (32-bit) | x64 | OK | ERROR | OK |
Package: AnnotationDbi |
Version: 0.0.76 |
Command: /loc/biocbuild/bbs-2.1-bioc/R/bin/R CMD check AnnotationDbi_0.0.76.tar.gz |
RetCode: 1 |
Time: 158.8 seconds |
Status: ERROR |
CheckDir: AnnotationDbi.Rcheck |
Warnings: NA |
* checking for working latex ... OK * using log directory '/loc/biocbuild/bbs-2.1-bioc/meat/AnnotationDbi.Rcheck' * using R version 2.6.0 Under development (unstable) (2007-04-17 r41210) * checking for file 'AnnotationDbi/DESCRIPTION' ... OK * this is package 'AnnotationDbi' version '0.0.76' * checking package dependencies ... OK * checking if this is a source package ... OK * checking whether package 'AnnotationDbi' can be installed ... OK * checking package directory ... OK * checking for portable file names ... OK * checking for sufficient/correct file permissions ... OK * checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK * checking top-level files ... OK * checking index information ... OK * checking package subdirectories ... OK * checking R files for non-ASCII characters ... OK * checking R files for syntax errors ... OK * checking whether the package can be loaded ... OK * checking whether the package can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK * checking whether the name space can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK * checking for unstated dependencies in R code ... OK * checking S3 generic/method consistency ... OK * checking replacement functions ... OK * checking foreign function calls ... OK * checking R code for possible problems ... OK * checking Rd files ... OK * checking Rd cross-references ... OK * checking for missing documentation entries ... WARNING Undocumented code objects: addToNamespaceAndExport checkMAPCOUNTS checkProperty0 collabels count.left.mappedNames count.links count.mappedNames count.right.mappedNames createAnnObjs.AFFYHUEX_DB createAnnObjs.AG_DB createAnnObjs.GO_DB createAnnObjs.HGU95AV2_DB createAnnObjs.LLMAPPINGS_DB createAnnObjs.YEAST2_DB createAnnObjs.YEAST_DB db dbFileConnect dbFileDisconnect flatten foldListOfAtomicVectors foldListOfLists from.colpos from.names left.colname left.filter left.length left.mappedNames left.names left.table links mappedNames mergeToNamespaceAndExport revmap right.colname right.filter right.length right.mappedNames right.names right.table tags.colpos to.colpos to.names toList toTable Undocumented S4 classes: AnnDbMap AnnDbObj AnnDbTable AtomicAnnDbMap BimapAPI0 FlatBimap GONodeAnnDbMap Go3AnnDbMap GoAnnDbMap IpiAnnDbMap L2Rbrick RevAnnDbMap RevAtomicAnnDbMap RevGONodeAnnDbMap RevGo3AnnDbMap RevGoAnnDbMap Undocumented S4 methods: generic '$' and siglist 'AnnDbMap' generic '[[' and siglist 'AnnDbMap' generic 'as.character' and siglist 'AtomicAnnDbMap' generic 'as.character' and siglist 'RevAtomicAnnDbMap' generic 'as.list' and siglist 'AtomicAnnDbMap' generic 'as.list' and siglist 'RevAtomicAnnDbMap' generic 'as.list' and siglist 'IpiAnnDbMap' generic 'as.list' and siglist 'GoAnnDbMap' generic 'as.list' and siglist 'RevGoAnnDbMap' generic 'as.list' and siglist 'RevGo3AnnDbMap' generic 'as.list' and siglist 'GONodeAnnDbMap' generic 'collabels' and siglist 'FlatBimap' generic 'collabels' and siglist 'AnnDbMap' generic 'colnames' and siglist 'FlatBimap' generic 'colnames' and siglist 'AnnDbMap' generic 'count.left.mappedNames' and siglist 'BimapAPI0' generic 'count.left.mappedNames' and siglist 'AnnDbMap' generic 'count.left.mappedNames' and siglist 'Go3AnnDbMap' generic 'count.links' and siglist 'BimapAPI0' generic 'count.links' and siglist 'AnnDbMap' generic 'count.mappedNames' and siglist 'AnnDbMap' generic 'count.mappedNames' and siglist 'RevAnnDbMap' generic 'count.mappedNames' and siglist 'environment' generic 'count.right.mappedNames' and siglist 'BimapAPI0' generic 'count.right.mappedNames' and siglist 'AnnDbMap' generic 'count.right.mappedNames' and siglist 'Go3AnnDbMap' generic 'db' and siglist 'AnnDbObj' generic 'dim' and siglist 'BimapAPI0' generic 'eapply' and siglist 'AnnDbMap' generic 'exists' and siglist 'ANY,ANY,AnnDbMap' generic 'exists' and siglist 'ANY,AnnDbMap,missing' generic 'flatten' and siglist 'AnnDbMap' generic 'flatten' and siglist 'Go3AnnDbMap' generic 'from.colpos' and siglist 'BimapAPI0' generic 'from.names' and siglist 'BimapAPI0' generic 'get' and siglist 'ANY,ANY,AnnDbMap' generic 'get' and siglist 'ANY,AnnDbMap,missing' generic 'head' and siglist 'FlatBimap' generic 'initialize' and siglist 'FlatBimap' generic 'initialize' and siglist 'GONode' generic 'initialize' and siglist 'L2Rbrick' generic 'initialize' and siglist 'AnnDbPkgSeed' generic '' and siglist 'AnnDbMap' generic 'left.colname' and siglist 'BimapAPI0' generic 'left.filter' and siglist 'AnnDbMap' generic 'left.length' and siglist 'BimapAPI0' generic 'left.length' and siglist 'AnnDbMap' generic 'left.mappedNames' and siglist 'FlatBimap' generic 'left.mappedNames' and siglist 'AnnDbMap' generic 'left.mappedNames' and siglist 'Go3AnnDbMap' generic 'left.names' and siglist 'FlatBimap' generic 'left.names' and siglist 'AnnDbMap' generic 'left.table' and siglist 'AnnDbMap' generic 'length' and siglist 'AnnDbMap' generic 'length' and siglist 'RevAnnDbMap' generic 'links' and siglist 'FlatBimap' generic 'links' and siglist 'AnnDbMap' generic 'ls' and siglist 'AnnDbMap' generic 'mappedNames' and siglist 'AnnDbMap' generic 'mappedNames' and siglist 'RevAnnDbMap' generic 'mappedNames' and siglist 'environment' generic 'mget' and siglist 'ANY,AnnDbMap' generic 'mget' and siglist 'ANY,RevAnnDbMap' generic 'names' and siglist 'AnnDbMap' generic 'names' and siglist 'RevAnnDbMap' generic 'ncol' and siglist 'BimapAPI0' generic 'nrow' and siglist 'FlatBimap' generic 'nrow' and siglist 'AnnDbTable' generic 'nrow' and siglist 'AnnDbMap' generic 'nrow' and siglist 'Go3AnnDbMap' generic 'revmap' and siglist 'AtomicAnnDbMap' generic 'revmap' and siglist 'RevAtomicAnnDbMap' generic 'revmap' and siglist 'GoAnnDbMap' generic 'revmap' and siglist 'RevGoAnnDbMap' generic 'revmap' and siglist 'Go3AnnDbMap' generic 'revmap' and siglist 'RevGo3AnnDbMap' generic 'revmap' and siglist 'environment' generic 'right.colname' and siglist 'BimapAPI0' generic 'right.filter' and siglist 'AnnDbMap' generic 'right.length' and siglist 'BimapAPI0' generic 'right.length' and siglist 'AnnDbMap' generic 'right.length' and siglist 'Go3AnnDbMap' generic 'right.mappedNames' and siglist 'FlatBimap' generic 'right.mappedNames' and siglist 'AnnDbMap' generic 'right.mappedNames' and siglist 'Go3AnnDbMap' generic 'right.names' and siglist 'FlatBimap' generic 'right.names' and siglist 'AnnDbMap' generic 'right.names' and siglist 'Go3AnnDbMap' generic 'right.table' and siglist 'AnnDbMap' generic 'right.table' and siglist 'Go3AnnDbMap' generic 'sample' and siglist 'AnnDbMap' generic 'show' and siglist 'FlatBimap' generic 'show' and siglist 'L2Rbrick' generic 'show' and siglist 'AnnDbTable' generic 'show' and siglist 'AnnDbMap' generic 'tags.colpos' and siglist 'BimapAPI0' generic 'tail' and siglist 'FlatBimap' generic 'to.colpos' and siglist 'BimapAPI0' generic 'to.names' and siglist 'BimapAPI0' generic 'toList' and siglist 'AnnDbMap' generic 'toList' and siglist 'RevAnnDbMap' generic 'toTable' and siglist 'AnnDbMap' All user-level objects in a package (including S4 classes and methods) should have documentation entries. See the chapter 'Writing R documentation files' in manual 'Writing R Extensions'. * checking for code/documentation mismatches ... OK * checking Rd \usage sections ... OK * creating AnnotationDbi-Ex.R ... OK * checking examples ... ERROR Running examples in 'AnnotationDbi-Ex.R' failed. The error most likely occurred in: > ### * GONode-class > > flush(stderr()); flush(stdout()) > > ### Name: GONode-class > ### Title: Class "GONode" > ### Aliases: class:GONode GONode-class GONode GOID Term Ontology Definition > ### Synonym Secondary GOID,GONode-method Term,GONode-method > ### Ontology,GONode-method Definition,GONode-method Synonym,GONode-method > ### Secondary,GONode-method show,GONode-method > ### Keywords: methods classes > > ### ** Examples > > gonode <- new("GONode", GOID="GO:1234567", Term="Test", Ontology="MF") Error in initialize(value, ...) : arguments GOID, Term, Ontology, Definition are mandatory Execution halted
* Installing *source* package 'AnnotationDbi' ... ** R ** inst ** preparing package for lazy loading Loading required package: Biobase Loading required package: tools Welcome to Bioconductor Vignettes contain introductory material. To view, type 'openVignette()'. To cite Bioconductor, see 'citation("Biobase")' and for packages 'citation(pkgname)'. Loading required package: DBI Loading required package: RSQLite Creating a new generic function for "ncol" in "AnnotationDbi" Creating a new generic function for "colnames" in "AnnotationDbi" Creating a new generic function for "nrow" in "AnnotationDbi" Creating a new generic function for "head" in "AnnotationDbi" Creating a new generic function for "tail" in "AnnotationDbi" Creating a new generic function for "toString" in "AnnotationDbi" Creating a new generic function for "rev" in "AnnotationDbi" Creating a new generic function for "ls" in "AnnotationDbi" Creating a new generic function for "as.list" in "AnnotationDbi" Creating a new generic function for "mget" in "AnnotationDbi" Creating a new generic function for "eapply" in "AnnotationDbi" Creating a new generic function for "get" in "AnnotationDbi" Creating a new generic function for "exists" in "AnnotationDbi" Creating a new generic function for "sample" in "AnnotationDbi" ** help >>> Building/Updating help pages for package 'AnnotationDbi' Formats: text html latex example AnnDbPkgSeed-class text html latex example GONode-class text html latex example makeAnnDbPkg text html latex example ** building package indices ... * DONE (AnnotationDbi)