* using log directory 'E:/biocbld/bbs-2.10-bioc/meat/mcaGUI.Rcheck'
* using R version 2.15.1 (2012-06-22)
* using platform: i386-pc-mingw32 (32-bit)
* using session charset: ISO8859-1
* using option '--no-vignettes'
* checking for file 'mcaGUI/DESCRIPTION' ... OK
* this is package 'mcaGUI' version '1.4.0'
* checking package namespace information ... OK
* checking package dependencies ... NOTE
Package which this enhances but not available for checking: 'iplots'
* checking if this is a source package ... OK
* checking if there is a namespace ... OK
* checking whether package 'mcaGUI' can be installed ... OK
* checking installed package size ... OK
* checking package directory ... OK
* checking for portable file names ... OK
* checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK
* checking top-level files ... OK
* checking index information ... OK
* checking package subdirectories ... OK
* checking R files for non-ASCII characters ... OK
* checking R files for syntax errors ... OK
* loading checks for arch 'i386'
** checking whether the package can be loaded ... OK
** checking whether the package can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK
** checking whether the package can be unloaded cleanly ... OK
** checking whether the namespace can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK
** checking whether the namespace can be unloaded cleanly ... OK
* loading checks for arch 'x64'
** checking whether the package can be loaded ... OK
** checking whether the package can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK
** checking whether the package can be unloaded cleanly ... OK
** checking whether the namespace can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK
** checking whether the namespace can be unloaded cleanly ... OK
* checking for unstated dependencies in R code ... OK
* checking S3 generic/method consistency ... OK
* checking replacement functions ... OK
* checking foreign function calls ... OK
* checking R code for possible problems ... NOTE
File 'mcaGUI/R/zzz.R':
.onLoad calls:
cat("Loading mcaGUI()\n")
print("You can access the mcaGUI vignette by browsing to: ")
print(system.file("doc", "An_Introduction_and_User_Guide_for_mcaGUI.pdf", package = "mcaGUI"))
Package startup functions should use 'packageStartupMessage' to
generate messages.
See section 'Good practice' in ?.onAttach.
Found the following possibly unsafe calls:
File 'R/ibestgui.filemenu.R':
found assignInNamespace("pmg.window", NULL, "ibestGUI")
.editDFProperties : <anonymous>: warning in ggroup(horizontal = FALSE,
cont = container, expand = TRUE): partial argument match of 'cont' to
.editDFProperties : <anonymous>: warning in glabel(gettext("Edit names
and column types"), cont = g): partial argument match of 'cont' to
.editDFProperties : <anonymous>: warning in glayout(cont = g, expand =
TRUE): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
.editDFProperties : <anonymous>: warning in ggroup(cont = tbl): partial
argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
.editDFProperties : <anonymous>: warning in gdroplist(names(.$df), cont
= .$columnDroplistGroup): partial argument match of 'cont' to
.editDFProperties : <anonymous>: warning in gdroplist(.$allTypes, cont
= tbl): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
.editDFProperties : <anonymous>: warning in gedit(names(.$df)[1], cont
= tbl): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
.editDFProperties : <anonymous>: warning in gseparator(cont = g):
partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
.editDFProperties : <anonymous>: warning in ggroup(cont = g, expand =
TRUE): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
.editDFProperties : <anonymous>: warning in gdf(head(.$df), cont =
.$dfGroup, expand = TRUE): partial argument match of 'cont' to
.editDFProperties : <anonymous>: warning in ggroup(cont = g): partial
argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
.editDFProperties : <anonymous>: warning in glabel("Save data frame
as", cont = bg): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
.editDFProperties : <anonymous>: warning in gedit(.$dfname, cont = bg):
partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
.editDFProperties : <anonymous> : updateDF: warning in gdf(head(.$df),
cont = .$dfGroup, expand = TRUE): partial argument match of 'cont' to
.newSet: warning in gimage("rarrow", dir = "stock"): partial argument
match of 'dir' to 'dirname'
.newSet: warning in gimage("uarrow", dir = "stock"): partial argument
match of 'dir' to 'dirname'
.newSet: warning in gimage("larrow", dir = "stock"): partial argument
match of 'dir' to 'dirname'
.newSet: warning in gpanedgroup(lgroup, rgroup, cont = container):
partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
.newSet: warning in ggroup(horizontal = FALSE, cont = plotGroup):
partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
.newSet: warning in ggroup(cont = selGroup): partial argument match of
'cont' to 'container'
.newSet : <anonymous>: warning in ggroup(horizontal = FALSE, cont =
win, raise.on.dragmotion = TRUE): partial argument match of 'cont' to
.newSet : <anonymous>: warning in gframe("Add trend line", horizontal =
FALSE, cont = gp): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
.newSet : <anonymous>: warning in glabel("x=", cont = varGroup):
partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
.newSet : <anonymous>: warning in glabel("x-variable", cont = varGroup,
editable = TRUE): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
.newSet : <anonymous>: warning in glabel(", ", cont = varGroup):
partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
.newSet : <anonymous>: warning in glabel("y=", cont = varGroup):
partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
.newSet : <anonymous>: warning in glabel("y-variable", cont = varGroup,
editable = TRUE): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
.newSet : <anonymous>: warning in gcheckbox("consider selected values
only", cont = spframe): partial argument match of 'cont' to
.newSet : <anonymous>: warning in ggroup(cont = gp): partial argument
match of 'cont' to 'container'
.newSet : <anonymous>: warning in gbutton("Add regression line", cont =
bgroup, handler = function(h, ...) {: partial argument match of
'cont' to 'container'
.newSet : <anonymous>: warning in addTrendLine("lm"): partial argument
match of 'cont' to 'container'
.newSet : <anonymous>: warning in }): partial argument match of 'cont'
to 'container'
.newSet : <anonymous>: warning in gbutton("Add lowess line", cont =
bgroup, handler = function(h, ...) {: partial argument match of
'cont' to 'container'
.newSet : <anonymous>: warning in addTrendLine("lowess"): partial
argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
.newSet : <anonymous>: warning in gframe("Specify line to add", cont =
gp): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
.newSet : <anonymous>: warning in gedit("", cont = slgp): partial
argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
.newSet : <anonymous>: warning in gbutton("add", cont = slgp, handler =
function(h, ...) {: partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
.newSet : <anonymous>: warning in eval(parse(text = paste("ilines(",
svalue(addThese), ")")), envir = df): partial argument match of
'cont' to 'container'
.newSet : <anonymous>: warning in gbutton("cancel", cont = delGroup,
handler = function(h, ...) dispose(win)): partial argument match of
'cont' to 'container'
OTUbasereader: warning in glayout(cont = wOpen): partial argument match
of 'cont' to 'container'
OTUbasereader: warning in glabel("Object Name (required)", cont =
g1Tbl): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
OTUbasereader: warning in gedit("OTUset", cont = g1Tbl): partial
argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
OTUbasereader: warning in glabel("OTU File (Required)", cont = g1Tbl):
partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
OTUbasereader: warning in glabel(".list file", cont = g1Tbl): partial
argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
OTUbasereader: warning in glabel("Sample File (Required)", cont =
g1Tbl): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
OTUbasereader: warning in glabel(".groups", cont = g1Tbl, expand =
FALSE): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
OTUbasereader: warning in glabel("Fasta File", cont = g1Tbl): partial
argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
OTUbasereader: warning in glabel(".fasta", cont = g1Tbl): partial
argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
OTUbasereader: warning in glabel("Quality File", cont = g1Tbl): partial
argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
OTUbasereader: warning in glabel(".qual", cont = g1Tbl): partial
argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
OTUbasereader: warning in glabel("Sample Data", cont = g1Tbl): partial
argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
OTUbasereader: warning in glabel("Sample Meta Data File or sampleADF",
cont = g1Tbl): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
OTUbasereader: warning in glabel("Feature Data", cont = g1Tbl): partial
argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
OTUbasereader: warning in glabel("Assigntment Data File or
assignmentADF", cont = g1Tbl): partial argument match of 'cont' to
OTUbasereader: warning in glabel("rdp", cont = g1Tbl): partial argument
match of 'cont' to 'container'
OTUbasereader: warning in glabel("Set to TRUE if the Feature Data is a
.rep.fix.tax file", cont = g1Tbl): partial argument match of 'cont'
to 'container'
OTUbasereader: warning in glabel("Level", cont = g1Tbl): partial
argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
OTUbasereader: warning in gedit("0.03", cont = g1Tbl): partial argument
match of 'cont' to 'container'
OTUbasereader: warning in gbutton("cancel", cont = g1Tbl, expand =
TRUE, handler = closeHandler): partial argument match of 'cont' to
OTUbasereader: warning in gbutton("ok", cont = g1Tbl, handler =
OTUbase): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
Proportion_Or_Count_Reader : .readRDP: warning in read.table(file =
dirPath, head = F, sep = "\t", stringsAsFactors = F): partial
argument match of 'head' to 'header'
Proportion_Or_Count_Reader: warning in glayout(cont = wOpen): partial
argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
Proportion_Or_Count_Reader: warning in glabel("Assign Abundance Table
To:", cont = g1Tbl): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
Proportion_Or_Count_Reader: warning in gedit("Abundance_Table", cont =
g1Tbl): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
Proportion_Or_Count_Reader: warning in glabel("Proportion or Count
Data", cont = g1Tbl): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
Proportion_Or_Count_Reader: warning in glabel("header", cont = g1Tbl):
partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
Proportion_Or_Count_Reader: warning in glabel("separation", cont =
g1Tbl): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
Proportion_Or_Count_Reader: warning in gedit(",", cont = g1Tbl):
partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
Proportion_Or_Count_Reader : new.window: warning in glayout(cont =
wOpen2): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
Proportion_Or_Count_Reader : new.window: warning in glabel("*Note: The
sample and assignment data file must be tab delimeted", cont =
g2Tbl): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
Proportion_Or_Count_Reader : new.window: warning in glabel("Assign
Sample/Meta Data To:", cont = g2Tbl): partial argument match of
'cont' to 'container'
Proportion_Or_Count_Reader : new.window: warning in
gedit("Sample_Data", cont = g2Tbl): partial argument match of 'cont'
to 'container'
Proportion_Or_Count_Reader : new.window: warning in glabel("Sample/Meta
Data", cont = g2Tbl): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
Proportion_Or_Count_Reader : new.window: warning in glabel("header",
cont = g2Tbl): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
Proportion_Or_Count_Reader : new.window: warning in glabel("Assign
Assignment/Feature Data To:", cont = g2Tbl): partial argument match
of 'cont' to 'container'
Proportion_Or_Count_Reader : new.window: warning in
gedit("Assignment_Data", cont = g2Tbl): partial argument match of
'cont' to 'container'
Proportion_Or_Count_Reader : new.window: warning in
glabel("Assignment/Feature Data", cont = g2Tbl): partial argument
match of 'cont' to 'container'
Proportion_Or_Count_Reader : new.window: warning in glabel("RDP", cont
= g2Tbl): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
checkForUpdatesGUI: warning in ggroup(horizontal = FALSE, cont = win):
partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
checkForUpdatesGUI: warning in glabel(".-.-.-", cont = g, expand =
TRUE): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
checkForUpdatesGUI: warning in gstatusbar("Checking for updates", cont
= g): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
constructionOfNormal: warning in ggroup(cont = container): partial
argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
dLatticeExplorer: warning in glabel("aspect=", cont =
latticeOptionsGroup): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
dLatticeExplorer: warning in gdroplist(c("fill", "xy", "iso"), editable
= TRUE, cont = latticeOptionsGroup, handler = function(...)
updatedLatticeExplorer(obj)): partial argument match of 'cont' to
dLatticeExplorer: warning in gseparator(horizontal = FALSE, cont =
latticeOptionsGroup): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
dLatticeExplorer: warning in glabel("type=", cont =
latticeOptionsGroup): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
dLatticeExplorer: warning in gcheckboxgroup(c("p", "l", "a", "o"),
horizontal = TRUE, cont = latticeOptionsGroup, handler =
function(...) updatedLatticeExplorer(obj)): partial argument match of
'cont' to 'container'
dLatticeExplorer: warning in glabel("col=", cont =
latticeOptionsGroup): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
dLatticeExplorer: warning in gdroplist(c("", "black", "red", "blue",
"green", "brown", "yellow"), cont = latticeOptionsGroup, handler =
function(...) updatedLatticeExplorer(obj)): partial argument match of
'cont' to 'container'
dpqrfuncs: warning in ggroup(cont = gp): partial argument match of
'cont' to 'container'
dpqrfuncs: warning in gbutton("ok", cont = bgp): partial argument match
of 'cont' to 'container'
dpqrfuncs: warning in gbutton("help", cont = bgp): partial argument
match of 'cont' to 'container'
getAllPackages: warning in .packages(all = TRUE): partial argument
match of 'all' to 'all.available'
getCranSiteIfNeeded: warning in ggroup(horizontal = FALSE, cont =
NULL): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
getCranSiteIfNeeded: warning in glabel("Select a site\nthen click
'OK'", cont = g): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
histogramAndDensity: warning in ggroup(cont = container): partial
argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
importFile : <anonymous>: warning in ggroup(horizontal = FALSE, cont =
.$container): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
importFile : <anonymous>: warning in glabel(sprintf("Read %s",
basename(.$filename)), cont = g): partial argument match of 'cont' to
importFile : <anonymous>: warning in glayout(cont = g): partial
argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
importFile : <anonymous>: warning in gedit("X", cont = tbl): partial
argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
importFile : <anonymous>: warning in gframe(gettext("Import"), cont =
g): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
importFile : <anonymous>: warning in glayout(cont = f): partial
argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
importFile : <anonymous>: warning in gdroplist(c(TRUE, FALSE), cont =
tbl): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
importFile : <anonymous>: warning in gspinbutton(0, 1000, cont = tbl):
partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
importFile : <anonymous>: warning in gdroplist(c(FALSE, TRUE), cont =
tbl): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
importFile : <anonymous>: warning in gframe(gettext("Attributes"), cont
= g): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
importFile : <anonymous>: warning in gedit(sep, cont = tbl): partial
argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
importFile : <anonymous>: warning in gedit("\"", cont = tbl): partial
argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
importFile : <anonymous>: warning in gdroplist(c(".", ","), cont =
tbl): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
importFile : <anonymous>: warning in gedit("#", cont = tbl): partial
argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
importFile : <anonymous>: warning in gedit("NA", cont = tbl): partial
argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
importFile : <anonymous> : makePreview: warning in ggroup(horizontal =
FALSE, cont = .$og, expand = TRUE): partial argument match of 'cont'
to 'container'
importFile : <anonymous> : makePreview: warning in gdf(df, cont =
.$ig): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
importFile : <anonymous>: warning in gframe(gettext("preview"), cont =
g, expand = TRUE): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
importFile : <anonymous>: warning in ggroup(cont = f, expand = TRUE):
partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
importFile : <anonymous>: warning in ggroup(cont = .$og, expand =
TRUE): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
importFile : <anonymous>: warning in glabel(paste(gettext("Read"),
basename(.$filename), collapse = " "), cont = g): partial argument
match of 'cont' to 'container'
importFile : <anonymous>: warning in gframe(gettext("Field widths"),
cont = g): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
importFile : <anonymous>: warning in gedit(paste("c(",
nchar(readLines(.$filename, n = 1)), ")", collapse = ""), coerce.with
= svalue, cont = tbl): partial argument match of 'cont' to
importFile : <anonymous>: warning in glabel(paste(gettext("Read"),
basename(.$filename), gettext("as"), popchar(fileType), collapse = "
"), cont = g): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
importFile : <anonymous>: warning in gedit(fmls[[i]], cont = tbl,
coerce.with = paste("as.", class(fmls[[i]]), sep = "", collapse =
"")): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
pmg.castGUI: warning in ggroup(horizontal = FALSE, cont = container,
raise.on.dragmotion = TRUE): partial argument match of 'cont' to
pmg.castGUI: warning in glabel("Cast a melted data set", cont = g):
partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
pmg.castGUI: warning in glayout(cont = g): partial argument match of
'cont' to 'container'
pmg.castGUI: warning in gexpandgroup("Preview", cont = g): partial
argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
pmg.castGUI: warning in ggroup(cont = g): partial argument match of
'cont' to 'container'
pmg.castGUI: warning in gbutton("Save output as:", cont = saveAsGroup):
partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
pmg.castGUI: warning in gedit("", cont = saveAsGroup): partial argument
match of 'cont' to 'container'
pmg.edit.dataframe.properties.dialog: warning in ggroup(horizontal =
FALSE, cont = container): partial argument match of 'cont' to
pmg.edit.dataframe.properties.dialog: warning in glayout(cont = g):
partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
pmg.iplots: warning in gtoolbar(tbl, cont = group): partial argument
match of 'cont' to 'container'
pmg.iplots : addNewDF: warning in ggroup(horizontal = FALSE, cont =
win): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
pmg.meltGUI: warning in ggroup(horizontal = FALSE, cont = container,
raise.on.dragmotion = TRUE): partial argument match of 'cont' to
pmg.meltGUI: warning in glabel("Melt a data frame", cont = g): partial
argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
pmg.meltGUI: warning in glayout(cont = g): partial argument match of
'cont' to 'container'
pmg.meltGUI: warning in gexpandgroup("Preview", cont = g): partial
argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
pmg.meltGUI: warning in ggroup(cont = g): partial argument match of
'cont' to 'container'
pmg.meltGUI: warning in gbutton("Save output as:", cont = saveAsGroup):
partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
pmg.meltGUI: warning in gedit("", cont = saveAsGroup): partial argument
match of 'cont' to 'container'
pmg.specifyFileForImport : <anonymous>: warning in ggroup(horizontal =
FALSE, cont = container): partial argument match of 'cont' to
pmg.specifyFileForImport : <anonymous>: warning in glayout(cont = g):
partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
pmg.specifyFileForImport : <anonymous>: warning in
glabel(gettext("or"), cont = tbl): partial argument match of 'cont'
to 'container'
pmg.specifyFileForImport : <anonymous>: warning in gseparator(cont =
tbl): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
pmg.specifyFileForImport : <anonymous>: warning in
gdroplist(c(.$useDefaultText, sapply(names(filterList), popchar)),
cont = tbl): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
probabilityCalculator: warning in ggroup(cont = container): partial
argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
qplotGUI: warning in gnotebook(cont = container, tab.pos = 1, ...):
partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
qplotGUI: warning in ggroup(horizontal = FALSE, cont = nb, label =
"qplot"): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
qplotGUI: warning in ggroup(horizontal = FALSE, cont = nb, label =
"plot args"): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
qplotGUI: warning in glayout(cont = qpg): partial argument match of
'cont' to 'container'
qplotGUI: warning in gdroplist(c(), editable = TRUE, cont = tbl):
partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
qplotGUI: warning in gedit("", cont = tbl): partial argument match of
'cont' to 'container'
qplotGUI: warning in gseparator(cont = tbl): partial argument match of
'cont' to 'container'
qplotGUI: warning in gtable(geomVals1d, multiple = TRUE, cont = tbl):
partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
qplotGUI: warning in gnotebook(tab.pos = 3, cont = tbl): partial
argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
qplotGUI: warning in ggroup(horizontal = TRUE, cont = tbl): partial
argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
qplotGUI: warning in gdroplist(".", editable = TRUE, cont = fgp):
partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
qplotGUI: warning in glabel("˜", cont = fgp): partial argument match of
'cont' to 'container'
qplotGUI: warning in gbutton("edit", cont = fgp, handler = function(h,
...) {: partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
qplotGUI: warning in if (svalue(widgets[["data"]]) != "") {: partial
argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
qplotGUI: warning in gWidgets:::editFormulaDialog(data =
widgets[["data"]], responsewidget = widgets[["fresp"]],
predictorwidget = widgets[["fpred"]]): partial argument match of
'cont' to 'container'
qplotGUI: warning in }: partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
qplotGUI: warning in else {: partial argument match of 'cont' to
qplotGUI: warning in cat("Data is empty, facet needs to have a data
frame set\n"): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
qplotGUI: warning in }): partial argument match of 'cont' to
qplotGUI: warning in glayout(cont = parg): partial argument match of
'cont' to 'container'
qplotGUI: warning in gdroplist(c("", "x", "y", "xy"), cont = tbl):
partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
qplotGUI: warning in gdroplist(c("", TRUE, "'grand_row'",
"'grand_col'"), editable = TRUE, cont = tbl): partial argument match
of 'cont' to 'container'
qplotGUI : updateExtraArgs: warning in ggroup(horizontal = FALSE, cont
= anb, label = i): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
qplotGUI : updateExtraArgs: warning in glabel("Using lm method", cont =
eg): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
qplotGUI : updateExtraArgs: warning in ggroup(cont = eg): partial
argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
qplotGUI : updateExtraArgs: warning in glabel("formula", cont = tmp):
partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
qplotGUI : updateExtraArgs: warning in gdroplist(c("", "y ˜ ns(x,1)",
"y ˜ ns(x,2)", "y ˜ ns(x,3)"), coerce.with = function(str) {: partial
argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
qplotGUI : updateExtraArgs: warning in if (str == "") : partial
argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
qplotGUI : updateExtraArgs: warning in return(str): partial argument
match of 'cont' to 'container'
qplotGUI : updateExtraArgs: warning in else return(formula(str)):
partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
qplotGUI : updateExtraArgs: warning in }, handler = updateGraphic,
editable = TRUE, cont = tmp): partial argument match of 'cont' to
qplotGUI : updateExtraArgs: warning in glabel("quantile", cont = tmp):
partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
qplotGUI : updateExtraArgs: warning in gdroplist(c("",
"seq(.05,.95,by=.05)", "seq(.10,.90,by=.10)", "seq(.25,.75,by=.25)"),
coerce.with = function(str) {: partial argument match of 'cont' to
qplotGUI : updateExtraArgs: warning in ifelse(str == "", "",
try(eval(parse(text = str)), silent = TRUE)): partial argument match
of 'cont' to 'container'
qplotGUI : updateExtraArgs: warning in glabel("binwidth", cont = tmp):
partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
qplotGUI : updateExtraArgs: warning in gedit("", cont = tmp,
coerce.with = as.numeric, handler = updateGraphic): partial argument
match of 'cont' to 'container'
qplotGUI : updateExtraArgs: warning in ifelse(str == "", "",
formula(str)): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
repeatTrialsGUI: warning in gframe("Repeat trials", cont = container):
partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
repeatTrialsGUI: warning in glayout(cont = g): partial argument match
of 'cont' to 'container'
repeatTrialsGUI: warning in gedit("", cont = tbl): partial argument
match of 'cont' to 'container'
repeatTrialsGUI: warning in gedit(10, cont = tbl, coerce.with =
as.numeric): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
repeatTrialsGUI: warning in gseparator(cont = tbl): partial argument
match of 'cont' to 'container'
repeatTrialsGUI: warning in gdroplist(actions, editable = TRUE, cont =
tbl): partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
repeatTrialsGUI: warning in ggroup(cont = tbl): partial argument match
of 'cont' to 'container'
repeatTrialsGUI: warning in gbutton("Repeat trials", cont = bg):
partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
repeatTrialsGUI: warning in gbutton("help", cont = bg, handler =
function(h, ...) {: partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
repeatTrialsGUI: warning in ghelp("repeatTrials", package = "pmg",
container = pmgWC$new("repeatTrials", width = 400, height = 250)):
partial argument match of 'cont' to 'container'
repeatTrialsGUI: warning in }): partial argument match of 'cont' to
.editDFProperties : <anonymous>: no visible binding for global variable
.newSet : setISetByName: no visible global function definition for
.newSet : setISetByName: no visible global function definition for
.newSet: no visible global function definition for 'iset.list'
.newSet: no visible global function definition for 'iset.set'
.newSet: no visible global function definition for 'iset.new'
.newSet: no visible global function definition for 'iset.df'
.newSet : <anonymous>: no visible global function definition for 'ibox'
.newSet : <anonymous>: no visible global function definition for
.newSet : <anonymous>: no visible global function definition for 'ipcp'
.newSet : <anonymous>: no visible global function definition for
.newSet : <anonymous>: no visible global function definition for
.newSet : <anonymous>: no visible global function definition for
.newSet : <anonymous>: no visible global function definition for
.newSet : <anonymous>: no visible global function definition for
.newSet : <anonymous> : addTrendLine: no visible global function
definition for 'iset.selected'
.newSet : <anonymous> : addTrendLine: no visible global function
definition for 'iabline'
.newSet : <anonymous> : addTrendLine: no visible global function
definition for 'ilines'
.newSet : <anonymous>: no visible global function definition for
.newSet : <anonymous>: no visible global function definition for
.newSet : <anonymous>: no visible global function definition for
.newSet : getCurrentPlotNameType: no visible global function definition
for 'iplot.list'
.newSet : getCurrentPlotNameType: no visible global function definition
for 'iplot.cur'
OTUbasereader : OTUbase: no visible binding for '<<-' assignment to
Proportion_Or_Count_Reader : createAbundanceTable: no visible binding
for global variable 'Sample_Data'
Proportion_Or_Count_Reader : createAbundanceTable: no visible binding
for global variable 'collab2'
Proportion_Or_Count_Reader : new.window : createAssignmentData: no
visible binding for '<<-' assignment to 'collab2'
constructionOfNormal : updatePlot: no visible binding for global
variable 'x'
histogramAndDensity : addDensity: no visible binding for global
variable 'x'
lsDatasets: no visible global function definition for '.GlobalEnv'
lsFunctions: no visible global function definition for '.GlobalEnv'
lsModels: no visible global function definition for '.GlobalEnv'
lsTs: no visible global function definition for '.GlobalEnv'
mcaGUI: no visible binding for global variable 'pmg.user.menu'
mcaGUI: no visible binding for global variable 'pmg.menubar'
mcaGUI: no visible binding for '<<-' assignment to 'send'
probabilityCalculator : updatePlot: no visible binding for global
variable 'x'
* checking Rd files ... OK
* checking Rd metadata ... OK
* checking Rd cross-references ... OK
* checking for missing documentation entries ... OK
* checking for code/documentation mismatches ... OK
* checking Rd \usage sections ... OK
* checking Rd contents ... OK
* checking for unstated dependencies in examples ... OK
* checking installed files from 'inst/doc' ... OK
* checking examples ...
** running examples for arch 'i386' ... OK
** running examples for arch 'x64' ... OK
* checking PDF version of manual ... OK
NOTE: There were 2 notes.
for details.