Back to Long Tests report for BioC 3.12 |
This page was generated on 2021-05-08 14:20:33 -0400 (Sat, 08 May 2021).
To the developers/maintainers of the ChromSCape package: Please make sure to use the following settings in order to reproduce any error or warning you see on this page. |
Package 4/10 | Hostname | OS / Arch | CHECK | |||||||
ChromSCape 1.0.0 (landing page) Pacome Prompsy
| malbec1 | Linux (Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS) / x86_64 | ERROR | |||||||
tokay1 | Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard / x64 | ERROR | ||||||||
merida1 | macOS 10.14.6 Mojave / x86_64 | ERROR | ||||||||
Package: ChromSCape |
Version: 1.0.0 |
Command: /home/biocbuild/bbs-3.12-bioc/R/bin/R CMD check --test-dir=longtests --no-stop-on-test-error --no-codoc --no-examples --no-manual --ignore-vignettes --check-subdirs=no ChromSCape_1.0.0.tar.gz |
StartedAt: 2021-05-08 09:30:18 -0400 (Sat, 08 May 2021) |
EndedAt: 2021-05-08 10:11:14 -0400 (Sat, 08 May 2021) |
EllapsedTime: 2455.9 seconds |
RetCode: 1 |
Status: ERROR |
CheckDir: ChromSCape.Rcheck |
Warnings: NA |
R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) -- "Shake and Throw" Copyright (C) 2021 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit) R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > library(testthat) > library(ChromSCape) > > test_check("ChromSCape") Read the 300 x 50 data matrix successfully! OpenMP is working. 1 threads. Using no_dims = 2, perplexity = 30.000000, and theta = 0.000000 Computing input similarities... Symmetrizing... Done in 0.07 seconds! Learning embedding... Iteration 50: error is 59.618659 (50 iterations in 0.06 seconds) Iteration 100: error is 61.202351 (50 iterations in 0.05 seconds) Iteration 150: error is 63.326474 (50 iterations in 0.05 seconds) Iteration 200: error is 61.597968 (50 iterations in 0.05 seconds) Iteration 250: error is 61.555756 (50 iterations in 0.05 seconds) Iteration 300: error is 0.859491 (50 iterations in 0.05 seconds) Iteration 350: error is 0.729076 (50 iterations in 0.05 seconds) Iteration 400: error is 0.697939 (50 iterations in 0.05 seconds) Iteration 450: error is 0.688960 (50 iterations in 0.05 seconds) Iteration 500: error is 0.682774 (50 iterations in 0.06 seconds) Iteration 550: error is 0.680429 (50 iterations in 0.05 seconds) Iteration 600: error is 0.679161 (50 iterations in 0.05 seconds) Iteration 650: error is 0.678590 (50 iterations in 0.05 seconds) Iteration 700: error is 0.678431 (50 iterations in 0.06 seconds) Iteration 750: error is 0.675839 (50 iterations in 0.06 seconds) Iteration 800: error is 0.674555 (50 iterations in 0.05 seconds) Iteration 850: error is 0.672734 (50 iterations in 0.05 seconds) Iteration 900: error is 0.670276 (50 iterations in 0.06 seconds) Iteration 950: error is 0.667340 (50 iterations in 0.05 seconds) Iteration 1000: error is 0.665630 (50 iterations in 0.05 seconds) Fitting performed in 1.09 seconds. Read the 300 x 50 data matrix successfully! OpenMP is working. 1 threads. Using no_dims = 2, perplexity = 30.000000, and theta = 0.000000 Computing input similarities... Symmetrizing... Done in 0.04 seconds! Learning embedding... Iteration 50: error is 58.698158 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 100: error is 65.000825 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 150: error is 65.664107 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 200: error is 65.111292 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 250: error is 63.781681 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 300: error is 1.170494 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 350: error is 0.888126 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 400: error is 0.760915 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 450: error is 0.744926 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 500: error is 0.736626 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 550: error is 0.730509 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 600: error is 0.726036 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 650: error is 0.720816 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 700: error is 0.719970 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 750: error is 0.719444 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 800: error is 0.718312 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 850: error is 0.717557 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 900: error is 0.717340 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 950: error is 0.717234 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 1000: error is 0.717137 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Fitting performed in 0.67 seconds. [1] "Warning: some of the gene sets have no intersection \n with possibleIds" NB : enrichment tests are based on 32937 distinct ids. [1] "Warning: some of the gene sets have no intersection \n with possibleIds" NB : enrichment tests are based on 32937 distinct ids. [1] "Warning: some of the gene sets have no intersection \n with possibleIds" NB : enrichment tests are based on 32937 distinct ids. [1] "Warning: some of the gene sets have no intersection \n with possibleIds" NB : enrichment tests are based on 32937 distinct ids. [1] "Warning: some of the gene sets have no intersection \n with possibleIds" NB : enrichment tests are based on 32937 distinct ids. [1] "Warning: some of the gene sets have no intersection \n with possibleIds" NB : enrichment tests are based on 32937 distinct ids. Read the 300 x 50 data matrix successfully! OpenMP is working. 1 threads. Using no_dims = 2, perplexity = 30.000000, and theta = 0.000000 Computing input similarities... Symmetrizing... Done in 0.04 seconds! Learning embedding... Iteration 50: error is 57.973225 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 100: error is 62.416879 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 150: error is 63.569040 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 200: error is 62.522990 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 250: error is 61.744666 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 300: error is 0.976785 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 350: error is 0.789292 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 400: error is 0.760817 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 450: error is 0.752387 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 500: error is 0.744168 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 550: error is 0.731961 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 600: error is 0.729091 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 650: error is 0.727830 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 700: error is 0.725416 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 750: error is 0.725029 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 800: error is 0.724804 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 850: error is 0.724706 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 900: error is 0.723145 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 950: error is 0.721478 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 1000: error is 0.721224 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Fitting performed in 0.67 seconds. [1] "Comparing C2 versus C1" [1] "Comparing C3 versus C1" [1] "Comparing C4 versus C1" [1] "Comparing C3 versus C2" [1] "Comparing C4 versus C2" [1] "Comparing C4 versus C3" [1] "Comparing notC1 versus C1" [1] "Comparing notC2 versus C2" [1] "Comparing notC3 versus C3" [1] "Comparing notC4 versus C4" [1] "Warning: some of the gene sets have no intersection \n with possibleIds" NB : enrichment tests are based on 32937 distinct ids. [1] "Warning: some of the gene sets have no intersection \n with possibleIds" NB : enrichment tests are based on 32937 distinct ids. [1] "Warning: some of the gene sets have no intersection \n with possibleIds" NB : enrichment tests are based on 32937 distinct ids. [1] "Warning: some of the gene sets have no intersection \n with possibleIds" NB : enrichment tests are based on 32937 distinct ids. [1] "Warning: some of the gene sets have no intersection \n with possibleIds" NB : enrichment tests are based on 32937 distinct ids. [1] "Warning: some of the gene sets have no intersection \n with possibleIds" NB : enrichment tests are based on 32937 distinct ids. [1] "Warning: some of the gene sets have no intersection \n with possibleIds" NB : enrichment tests are based on 32937 distinct ids. [1] "Warning: some of the gene sets have no intersection \n with possibleIds" NB : enrichment tests are based on 32937 distinct ids. [1] "Warning: some of the gene sets have no intersection \n with possibleIds" NB : enrichment tests are based on 32937 distinct ids. [1] "Warning: some of the gene sets have no intersection \n with possibleIds" NB : enrichment tests are based on 32937 distinct ids. [1] "Warning: some of the gene sets have no intersection \n with possibleIds" NB : enrichment tests are based on 32937 distinct ids. [1] "Warning: some of the gene sets have no intersection \n with possibleIds" NB : enrichment tests are based on 32937 distinct ids. [1] "Warning: some of the gene sets have no intersection \n with possibleIds" NB : enrichment tests are based on 32937 distinct ids. [1] "Warning: some of the gene sets have no intersection \n with possibleIds" NB : enrichment tests are based on 32937 distinct ids. [1] "Warning: some of the gene sets have no intersection \n with possibleIds" NB : enrichment tests are based on 32937 distinct ids. [1] "Warning: some of the gene sets have no intersection \n with possibleIds" NB : enrichment tests are based on 32937 distinct ids. [1] "Warning: some of the gene sets have no intersection \n with possibleIds" NB : enrichment tests are based on 32937 distinct ids. [1] "Warning: some of the gene sets have no intersection \n with possibleIds" NB : enrichment tests are based on 32937 distinct ids. [1] "Warning: some of the gene sets have no intersection \n with possibleIds" NB : enrichment tests are based on 32937 distinct ids. [1] "Warning: some of the gene sets have no intersection \n with possibleIds" NB : enrichment tests are based on 32937 distinct ids. [1] "Warning: some of the gene sets have no intersection \n with possibleIds" NB : enrichment tests are based on 32937 distinct ids. [1] "Warning: some of the gene sets have no intersection \n with possibleIds" NB : enrichment tests are based on 32937 distinct ids. [1] "Warning: some of the gene sets have no intersection \n with possibleIds" NB : enrichment tests are based on 32937 distinct ids. [1] "Warning: some of the gene sets have no intersection \n with possibleIds" NB : enrichment tests are based on 32937 distinct ids. [1] "Warning: some of the gene sets have no intersection \n with possibleIds" NB : enrichment tests are based on 32937 distinct ids. [1] "Warning: some of the gene sets have no intersection \n with possibleIds" NB : enrichment tests are based on 32937 distinct ids. [1] "Warning: some of the gene sets have no intersection \n with possibleIds" NB : enrichment tests are based on 32937 distinct ids. [1] "Warning: some of the gene sets have no intersection \n with possibleIds" NB : enrichment tests are based on 32937 distinct ids. [1] "Warning: some of the gene sets have no intersection \n with possibleIds" NB : enrichment tests are based on 32937 distinct ids. [1] "Warning: some of the gene sets have no intersection \n with possibleIds" NB : enrichment tests are based on 32937 distinct ids. [1] "Warning: some of the gene sets have no intersection \n with possibleIds" NB : enrichment tests are based on 32937 distinct ids. [1] "Warning: some of the gene sets have no intersection \n with possibleIds" NB : enrichment tests are based on 32937 distinct ids. [1] "Warning: some of the gene sets have no intersection \n with possibleIds" NB : enrichment tests are based on 32937 distinct ids. [1] "Warning: some of the gene sets have no intersection \n with possibleIds" NB : enrichment tests are based on 32937 distinct ids. [1] "Warning: some of the gene sets have no intersection \n with possibleIds" NB : enrichment tests are based on 32937 distinct ids. [1] "Warning: some of the gene sets have no intersection \n with possibleIds" NB : enrichment tests are based on 32937 distinct ids. [1] "Warning: some of the gene sets have no intersection \n with possibleIds" NB : enrichment tests are based on 32937 distinct ids. [1] "Warning: some of the gene sets have no intersection \n with possibleIds" NB : enrichment tests are based on 32937 distinct ids. [1] "Warning: some of the gene sets have no intersection \n with possibleIds" NB : enrichment tests are based on 32937 distinct ids. [1] "Warning: some of the gene sets have no intersection \n with possibleIds" NB : enrichment tests are based on 32937 distinct ids. [1] "Warning: some of the gene sets have no intersection \n with possibleIds" NB : enrichment tests are based on 32937 distinct ids. [1] "Warning: some of the gene sets have no intersection \n with possibleIds" NB : enrichment tests are based on 32937 distinct ids. [1] "Warning: some of the gene sets have no intersection \n with possibleIds" NB : enrichment tests are based on 32937 distinct ids. [1] "Warning: some of the gene sets have no intersection \n with possibleIds" NB : enrichment tests are based on 32937 distinct ids. [1] "Warning: some of the gene sets have no intersection \n with possibleIds" NB : enrichment tests are based on 32937 distinct ids. [1] "Warning: some of the gene sets have no intersection \n with possibleIds" NB : enrichment tests are based on 32937 distinct ids. [1] "Warning: some of the gene sets have no intersection \n with possibleIds" NB : enrichment tests are based on 32937 distinct ids. [1] "Warning: some of the gene sets have no intersection \n with possibleIds" NB : enrichment tests are based on 32937 distinct ids. [1] "Warning: some of the gene sets have no intersection \n with possibleIds" NB : enrichment tests are based on 32937 distinct ids. [1] "Warning: some of the gene sets have no intersection \n with possibleIds" NB : enrichment tests are based on 32937 distinct ids. [1] "Warning: some of the gene sets have no intersection \n with possibleIds" NB : enrichment tests are based on 32937 distinct ids. [1] "Warning: some of the gene sets have no intersection \n with possibleIds" NB : enrichment tests are based on 32937 distinct ids. [1] "Warning: some of the gene sets have no intersection \n with possibleIds" NB : enrichment tests are based on 32937 distinct ids. [1] "Warning: some of the gene sets have no intersection \n with possibleIds" NB : enrichment tests are based on 32937 distinct ids. [1] "Warning: some of the gene sets have no intersection \n with possibleIds" NB : enrichment tests are based on 32937 distinct ids. [1] "Warning: some of the gene sets have no intersection \n with possibleIds" NB : enrichment tests are based on 32937 distinct ids. [1] "Warning: some of the gene sets have no intersection \n with possibleIds" NB : enrichment tests are based on 32937 distinct ids. [1] "Warning: some of the gene sets have no intersection \n with possibleIds" NB : enrichment tests are based on 32937 distinct ids. [1] "Warning: some of the gene sets have no intersection \n with possibleIds" NB : enrichment tests are based on 32937 distinct ids. [1] "Warning: some of the gene sets have no intersection \n with possibleIds" NB : enrichment tests are based on 32937 distinct ids. [1] "Running Batch Correction ..." Read the 285 x 50 data matrix successfully! OpenMP is working. 1 threads. Using no_dims = 2, perplexity = 30.000000, and theta = 0.000000 Computing input similarities... Symmetrizing... Done in 0.03 seconds! Learning embedding... Iteration 50: error is 62.250764 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 100: error is 61.660113 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 150: error is 61.054084 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 200: error is 62.836673 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 250: error is 62.094873 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 300: error is 1.001530 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 350: error is 0.811842 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 400: error is 0.781999 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 450: error is 0.775977 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 500: error is 0.769338 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 550: error is 0.768070 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 600: error is 0.764334 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 650: error is 0.762969 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 700: error is 0.762483 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 750: error is 0.761781 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 800: error is 0.761760 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 850: error is 0.761751 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 900: error is 0.761747 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 950: error is 0.761746 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 1000: error is 0.761746 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Fitting performed in 0.56 seconds. Read the 300 x 50 data matrix successfully! OpenMP is working. 1 threads. Using no_dims = 2, perplexity = 30.000000, and theta = 0.000000 Computing input similarities... Symmetrizing... Done in 0.04 seconds! Learning embedding... Iteration 50: error is 63.708598 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 100: error is 61.618399 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 150: error is 65.270408 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 200: error is 64.933911 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 250: error is 63.915536 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 300: error is 1.258767 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 350: error is 0.917523 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 400: error is 0.817295 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 450: error is 0.811540 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 500: error is 0.806289 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 550: error is 0.803794 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 600: error is 0.800250 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 650: error is 0.793436 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 700: error is 0.791456 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 750: error is 0.790033 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 800: error is 0.785423 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 850: error is 0.784379 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 900: error is 0.779524 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 950: error is 0.778603 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Iteration 1000: error is 0.778348 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds) Fitting performed in 0.61 seconds. ══ Failed tests ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ── Failure (test_processing_filtering.R:54:5): Some cells are empty ──────────── `create_scExp(mat., annot.)` produced no output ── Failure (test_processing_filtering.R:63:5): Some features are empty ───────── `create_scExp(mat., annot.)` produced no output ── Failure (test_processing_filtering.R:70:5): Removing chrM - non canonical ─── `create_scExp(mat., annot)` produced no output ── Failure (test_processing_filtering.R:80:5): Removing chrM - non canonical ─── `create_scExp(mat., annot)` produced no output ── Failure (test_processing_filtering.R:127:5): Verbose is on /off ───────────── `filter_scExp(scExp, verbose = TRUE)` produced no output ── Failure (test_processing_filtering.R:128:5): Verbose is on /off ───────────── `filter_scExp(scExp, verbose = TRUE)` produced no output [ FAIL 6 | WARN 600 | SKIP 0 | PASS 131 ] Error: Test failures Execution halted
############################################################################## ############################################################################## ### ### Running command: ### ### /home/biocbuild/bbs-3.12-bioc/R/bin/R CMD check --test-dir=longtests --no-stop-on-test-error --no-codoc --no-examples --no-manual --ignore-vignettes --check-subdirs=no ChromSCape_1.0.0.tar.gz ### ############################################################################## ############################################################################## * using log directory ‘/home/biocbuild/bbs-3.12-bioc-longtests/meat/ChromSCape.Rcheck’ * using R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) * using platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit) * using session charset: UTF-8 * using options ‘--no-codoc --no-examples --no-manual --ignore-vignettes --no-stop-on-test-error’ * checking for file ‘ChromSCape/DESCRIPTION’ ... OK * this is package ‘ChromSCape’ version ‘1.0.0’ * package encoding: UTF-8 * checking package namespace information ... OK * checking package dependencies ... OK * checking if this is a source package ... OK * checking if there is a namespace ... OK * checking for hidden files and directories ... NOTE Found the following hidden files and directories: .BBSoptions These were most likely included in error. See section ‘Package structure’ in the ‘Writing R Extensions’ manual. * checking for portable file names ... OK * checking for sufficient/correct file permissions ... OK * checking whether package ‘ChromSCape’ can be installed ... OK * checking installed package size ... OK * checking package directory ... OK * checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK * checking top-level files ... OK * checking for left-over files ... OK * checking index information ... OK * checking package subdirectories ... OK * checking R files for non-ASCII characters ... OK * checking R files for syntax errors ... OK * checking whether the package can be loaded ... OK * checking whether the package can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK * checking whether the package can be unloaded cleanly ... OK * checking whether the namespace can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK * checking whether the namespace can be unloaded cleanly ... OK * checking dependencies in R code ... OK * checking S3 generic/method consistency ... OK * checking replacement functions ... OK * checking foreign function calls ... OK * checking R code for possible problems ... OK * checking Rd files ... OK * checking Rd metadata ... OK * checking Rd cross-references ... OK * checking for missing documentation entries ... OK * checking for code/documentation mismatches ... SKIPPED * checking Rd \usage sections ... OK * checking Rd contents ... OK * checking for unstated dependencies in examples ... OK * checking contents of ‘data’ directory ... OK * checking data for non-ASCII characters ... OK * checking data for ASCII and uncompressed saves ... OK * checking files in ‘vignettes’ ... SKIPPED * checking examples ... SKIPPED * checking for unstated dependencies in ‘longtests’ ... OK * checking tests in ‘longtests’ ... Running ‘testthat.R’ ERROR Running the tests in ‘longtests/testthat.R’ failed. Last 13 lines of output: `create_scExp(mat., annot.)` produced no output ── Failure (test_processing_filtering.R:63:5): Some features are empty ───────── `create_scExp(mat., annot.)` produced no output ── Failure (test_processing_filtering.R:70:5): Removing chrM - non canonical ─── `create_scExp(mat., annot)` produced no output ── Failure (test_processing_filtering.R:80:5): Removing chrM - non canonical ─── `create_scExp(mat., annot)` produced no output ── Failure (test_processing_filtering.R:127:5): Verbose is on /off ───────────── `filter_scExp(scExp, verbose = TRUE)` produced no output ── Failure (test_processing_filtering.R:128:5): Verbose is on /off ───────────── `filter_scExp(scExp, verbose = TRUE)` produced no output [ FAIL 6 | WARN 600 | SKIP 0 | PASS 131 ] Error: Test failures Execution halted * DONE Status: 1 ERROR, 1 NOTE See ‘/home/biocbuild/bbs-3.12-bioc-longtests/meat/ChromSCape.Rcheck/00check.log’ for details.
* installing *source* package ‘ChromSCape’ ... ** using staged installation ** R ** data *** moving datasets to lazyload DB ** inst ** byte-compile and prepare package for lazy loading ** help *** installing help indices ** building package indices ** installing vignettes ** testing if installed package can be loaded from temporary location ** testing if installed package can be loaded from final location ** testing if installed package keeps a record of temporary installation path * DONE (ChromSCape)